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Meaning of JACOBIN

Pronunciation:  'jakubin

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a member of the radical movement that instituted the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution
 See Also: terrorist



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Jac"o*bin\, n. [F. See 2d {Jack}, {Jacobite}.]
    1. (Eccl. Hist.) A Dominican friar; -- so named because,
       before the French Revolution, that order had a convent in
       the Rue St. Jacques, Paris.
    2. One of a society of violent agitators in France, during
       the revolution of 1789, who held secret meetings in the
       Jacobin convent in the Rue St. Jacques, Paris, and
       concerted measures to control the proceedings of the
       National Assembly. Hence: A plotter against an existing
       government; a turbulent demagogue.
    3. (Zo["o]l.) A fancy pigeon, in which the feathers of the
       neck form a hood, -- whence the name. The wings and tail
       are long, and the beak moderately short.
  2. \Jac"o*bin\, a.
    Same as {Jacobinic}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: anarch, anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Bolshie, bonnet rouge, Carbonarist, Carbonaro, Castroist, Castroite, Charley, Communist, Cong, criminal syndicalist, extreme left-winger, extremist, Fenian, Guevarist, left-wing extremist, Leninist, lunatic fringe, Maoist, Marxist, Mau-Mau, mild radical, nihilist, parlor Bolshevik, parlor pink, pink, pinko, Puritan, radical, rebel, Red, Red Republican, revolutionary, revolutionary junta, revolutioner, revolutionist, revolutionizer, Roundhead, sans-culotte, sans-culottist, Sinn Feiner, subversive, syndicalist, terrorist, Trotskyist, Trotskyite, ultra, ultraist, VC, Vietcong, Wobbly, Yankee, Yankee Doodle, yippie