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Pronunciation:  m'âdurutlee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  to a moderately sufficient extent or degree; "the shoes are priced reasonably"; "he is fairly clever with computers"; "they lived comfortably within reason"
  2. [adv]  in a moderate manner; "he drinks moderately"
 Synonyms: fairly, middling, passably, reasonably, somewhat, with moderation, within reason
 Antonyms: immoderately, unreasonably, without moderation



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Mod"er*ate*ly\, adv.
In a moderate manner or degree; to a moderate extent.
      Each nymph but moderately fair.          --Waller.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acceptably, adequately, after a fashion, appreciably, at a bargain, at a sacrifice, at any rate, at best, at budget prices, at cost, at cost price, at least, at most, at piggy-bank prices, at prime cost, at reduced rates, at small cost, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at wholesale, at worst, calmly, cautiously, cheap, cheaply, circumspectly, comparatively, composedly, conservatively, coolly, crawlingly, creepingly, decently, deliberately, detectably, dilatorily, dispassionately, easily, equably, evenly, fair to middling, fairishly, fairly, fairly well, falteringly, for a song, for pennies, frugally, gently, haltingly, idly, in a manner, in a way, in balance, in low gear, in march time, in moderation, in part, in reason, in slow motion, in slow tempo, in some measure, incompletely, indifferently, indolently, inexpensively, judiciously, kind of, languidly, languorously, leastwise, leisurely, limpingly, lingeringly, loiteringly, mediocrely, merely, middling well, middlingly, mildly, modestly, more or less, nominally, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, on the cheap, only, part, partially, partly, passably, pokily, pokingly, presentably, pretty, pretty well, pro tanto, prudently, purely, quite, rather, reasonably, relatively, relaxedly, reluctantly, respectably, restrainedly, satisfactorily, serenely, simply, slightly, slow, slowly, sluggishly, so far, soberly, some, something, somewhat, soothingly, sort of, so-so, sparingly, steadily, stintingly, subduedly, tarryingly, temperately, tentatively, thus far, to a degree, to some degree, to some extent, tolerably, tranquilly, under easy sail, unexceptionably, unhurriedly, visibly, well enough, wholesale, with agonizing slowness, with deliberation, within bounds, within compass, within reason