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Meaning of INMATE

Pronunciation:  'in`meyt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a person serving a prison sentence
  2. [n]  one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a prison or hospital)
  3. [n]  a patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated
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 Synonyms: con, convict, gaolbird, inpatient, jailbird
 Antonyms: outpatient
 See Also: captive, lifer, occupant, occupier, patient, prisoner, resident



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \In"mate`\, n. [In + mate an associate.]
    One who lives in the same house or apartment with another; a
    fellow lodger; esp.,one of the occupants of an asylum,
    hospital, or prison; by extension, one who occupies or lodges
    in any place or dwelling.
          So spake the enemy of mankind, inclos'd In serpent,
          inmate bad.                              --Milton.
  2. \In"mate`\, a.
    Admitted as a dweller; resident; internal. [R.] ``Inmate
    guests.'' --Milton.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: addressee, artist-in-residence, captive, case, convict, denizen, dweller, habitant, house detective, incumbent, inhabitant, inhabiter, inpatient, intern, lag, live-in maid, locum tenens, occupant, occupier, patient, prisoner, residencer, resident, resident physician, residentiary, resider, sojourner, tenant