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Meaning of GROAT

Pronunciation:  growt

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a former English silver coin worth four pennies
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 Synonyms: fourpence
 See Also: coin



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Groat\, n. [LG. gr[=o]te, orig., great, that is, a great
piece of coin, larger than other coins in former use. See
1. An old English silver coin, equal to four pence.
2. Any small sum of money.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ace, air pollution, atom, attritus, bawbee, bit, bran, cosmic dust, crown, crumb, crumble, dab, dole, dollar, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, dust, dust ball, dwarf, efflorescence, fallout, farina, farthing, filings, fiver, fleck, florin, flour, flyspeck, fourpence, fourpenny, fragment, gobbet, grain, granule, grits, groats, guinea, hair, half crown, half dollar, halfpenny, handful, iota, jot, kittens, lint, little, little bit, mag, meal, meg, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, modicum, molecule, monkey, mote, new pence, np, nutshell, ounce, p, particle, pebble, pence, penny, pinch, pittance, point, pony, pound, powder, pussies, quid, raspings, sawdust, scruple, shilling, sixpence, smidgen, smitch, smut, soot, speck, spoonful, spot, tenner, thimbleful, threepence, threepenny bit, thrippence, tiny bit, tittle, trifling amount, trivia, tuppence, twopence, whit