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Meaning of FREQUENT

Pronunciation:  [adj]'freekwunt, [n]'free'kwunt, [v]fri'kwent

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  frequently encountered; "a frequent (or common) error is using the transitive verb `lay' for the intransitive `lie'";
  2. [adj]  coming at short intervals or habitually; "a frequent guest"; "frequent complaints"
  3. [v]  do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
  4. [v]  be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place
 Synonyms: buy at, common, patronise, patronize, predominant, prevailing, regular, shop, shop at, sponsor, steady
 Antonyms: boycott, infrequent
 See Also: back up, support, travel to, visit



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fre"quent\, a. [L. frequens, -entis, crowded,
    frequent, akin to farcire to stuff: cf. F. fr['e]quent. Cf.
    {Farce}, n.]
    1. Often to be met with; happening at short intervals; often
       repeated or occurring; as, frequent visits. ``Frequent
       feudal towers.'' --Byron.
    2. Addicted to any course of conduct; inclined to indulge in
       any practice; habitual; persistent.
             He has been loud and frequent in declaring himself
             hearty for the government.            --Swift.
    3. Full; crowded; thronged. [Obs.]
             'T is C[ae]sar's will to have a frequent senate.
                                                   --B. Jonson.
    4. Often or commonly reported. [Obs.]
             'T is frequent in the city he hath subdued The Catti
             and the Daci.                         --Massinger.
  2. \Fre*quent"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Frequented}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Frequenting}.] [L. frequentare: cf. F.
    fr['e]quenter. See {Frequent}, a.]
    1. To visit often; to resort to often or habitually.
             He frequented the court of Augustus.  --Dryden.
    2. To make full; to fill. [Obs.]
             With their sighs the air Frequenting, sent from
             hearts contrite.                      --Milton.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: affect, attend, automatic, beaten, common, constant, continual, continuing, continuous, countless, customary, cyclical, ever-recurring, everyday, familiar, frequentative, habitual, hackneyed, hang around, hang out, hang out at, haunt, haunting, incessant, infest, innumerable, iterative, many, many times, normal, not rare, numerous, of common occurrence, oftentime, oft-repeated, ordinary, overrun, patronize, periodic, persistent, prevalent, reappearing, recurrent, recurring, regular, reiterative, repeated, repetitive, resort, resort to, returning, revenant, routine, stereotyped, thematic, thick-coming, trite, ubiquitous, usual, visit, well-trodden, well-worn