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Pronunciation:  sen'trifyugul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  tending to move away from a center; "centrifugal force"
  2. [adj]  conveying information to the muscles from the CNS; "motor nerves"
  3. [adj]  tending away from centralization, as of authority; "the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress"
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 Synonyms: decentralising(a), decentralizing(a), efferent, motor(a), motorial, outward-developing, outward-moving
 Antonyms: centripetal



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Cen*trif"u*gal\, a. [L. centrum center + fugere to
    1. Tending, or causing, to recede from the center.
    2. (Bot.)
       (a) Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base,
           as a flower cluster.
       (b) Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the
           fruit, as some embryos.
    {Centrifugal force} (Mech.), a force whose direction is from
       a center.
    Note: When a body moves in a circle with uniform velocity, a
          force must act on the body to keep it in the circle
          without change of velocity. The direction of this force
          is towards the center of the circle. If this force is
          applied by means of a string to the body, the string
          will be in a state of tension. To a person holding the
          other end of the string, this tension will appear to be
          directed toward the body as if the body had a tendency
          to move away from the center of the circle which it is
          describing. Hence this latter force is often called
          centrifugal force. The force which really acts on the
          body being directed towards the center of the circle is
          called centripetal force, and in some popular treatises
          the centripetal and centrifugal forces are described as
          opposing and balancing each other. But they are merely
          the different aspects of the same stress. --Clerk
    {Centrifugal impression} (Physiol.), an impression (motor)
       sent from a nerve center outwards to a muscle or muscles
       by which motion is produced.
    {Centrifugal machine}, A machine for expelling water or other
       fluids from moist substances, or for separating liquids of
       different densities by centrifugal action; a whirling
    {Centrifugal pump}, a machine in which water or other fluid
       is lifted and discharged through a pipe by the energy
       imparted by a wheel or blades revolving in a fixed case.
       Some of the largest and most powerful pumps are of this
  2. \Cen*trif"u*gal\, n.
    A centrifugal machine.