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Meaning of BREECHES

Pronunciation:  'brichiz

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  trousers ending above the knee
 Synonyms: knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers
 See Also: britches, buckskins, codpiece, pants, plus fours, trousers, trunk hose



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Breech"es\, n. pl. [OE. brech, brek, AS. br[=e]k, pl.
of br[=o]c breech, breeches; akin to Icel. br[=o]k breeches,
ODan. brog, D. broek, G. bruch; cf. L. bracae, braccae, which
is of Celtic origin. Cf. {Brail}.]
1. A garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs;
         His jacket was red, and his breeches were blue.
2. Trousers; pantaloons. [Colloq.]
{Breeches buoy}, in the life-saving service, a pair of canvas
   breeches depending from an annular or beltlike life buoy
   which is usually of cork. This contrivance, inclosing the
   person to be rescued, is hung by short ropes from a block
   which runs upon the hawser stretched from the ship to the
   shore, and is drawn to land by hauling lines.
{Breeches pipe}, a forked pipe forming two branches united at
   one end.
{Knee breeches}, breeches coming to the knee, and buckled or
   fastened there; smallclothes.
{To wear the breeches}, to usurp the authority of the
   husband; -- said of a wife. [Colloq.]
Easton Bible Dictionary

(Ex. 28:42), rather linen drawers, reaching from the waist to a little above the knee, worn by the priests (Ezek. 44:17, 18).
