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Meaning of AVERSE

Pronunciation:  u'vurs

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \A*verse"\, a. [L. aversus, p. p. of avertere. See
    1. Turned away or backward. [Obs.]
             The tracks averse a lying notice gave, And led the
             searcher backward from the cave.      --Dryden.
    2. Having a repugnance or opposition of mind; disliking;
       disinclined; unwilling; reluctant.
             Averse alike to flatter, or offend.   --Pope.
             Men who were averse to the life of camps.
             Pass by securely as men averse from war. --Micah ii.
    Note: The prevailing usage now is to employ to after averse
          and its derivatives rather than from, as was formerly
          the usage. In this the word is in agreement with its
          kindred terms, hatred, dislike, dissimilar, contrary,
          repugnant, etc., expressing a relation or an affection
          of the mind to an object.
    Syn: {Averse}, {Reluctant}, {Adverse}.
    Usage: Averse expresses an habitual, though not of necessity
           a very strong, dislike; as, averse to active pursuits;
           averse to study. Reluctant, a term of the of the will,
           implies an internal struggle as to making some
           sacrifice of interest or feeling; as, reluctant to
           yield; reluctant to make the necessary arrangements; a
           reluctant will or consent. Adverse denotes active
           opposition or hostility; as, adverse interests;
           adverse feelings, plans, or movements; the adverse
  2. \A*verse"\, v. t. & i.
    To turn away. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abhorrent, afraid, allergic, anti, antipathetic, at odds, averse to, backward, balky, contrary, cursory, differing, disaffected, disagreeing, disenchanted, disgusted, disinclined, disobedient, displeased, forced, fractious, hating, hesitant, hostile, ill-disposed, indisposed, indocile, involuntary, loath, loathing, mutinous, not charmed, opposed, perfunctory, perverse, put off, quailing, recalcitrant, recoiling, refractory, reluctant, resistant, shrinking, sulky, sullen, uncongenial, unconsenting, uneager, unfriendly, unsympathetic, unwilling