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Pronunciation:  `alu'geyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove
  2. [n]  a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law); "an allegation of malpractice"

ALLEGATION is a 10 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: allegement
 See Also: accusal, accusation, bill of Particulars, claim, grievance, lodgement, lodgment, plaint



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Al`le*ga"tion\, n. [L. allegatio, fr. allegare,
allegatum, to send a message, cite; later, to free by giving
reasons; ad + legare to send, commission. Cf. {Allege} and
1. The act of alleging or positively asserting.
2. That which is alleged, asserted, or declared; positive
   assertion; formal averment
         I thought their allegation but reasonable. --Steele.
3. (Law) A statement by a party of what he undertakes to
   prove, -- usually applied to each separate averment; the
   charge or matter undertaken to be proved.
Legal Dictionary
 Definition: A statement of the issues in a written document (a pleading) which a person is prepared to prove in court.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accusal, accusation, accusing, address, admission, affidavit, affirmance, affirmation, allegement, announcement, annunciation, answer, apostrophe, arraignment, assertion, asseveration, attest, attestation, averment, avouchment, avowal, bill, bill of complaint, bill of particulars, blame, bringing of charges, bringing to book, charge, claim, comment, complaint, compurgation, conclusion, count, crack, creed, declaration, delation, denouncement, denunciation, deposition, dictum, disclosure, enunciation, exclamation, expression, greeting, impeachment, implication, imputation, indictment, information, innuendo, insinuation, instrument in proof, interjection, ipse dixit, lawsuit, laying of charges, legal evidence, libel, manifesto, mention, narratio, nolle prosequi, nonsuit, note, observation, Parthian shot, phrase, plaint, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, predication, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, prosecution, protest, protestation, question, reflection, remark, reproach, say, saying, say-so, sentence, stance, stand, statement, statement of facts, subjoinder, suit, sworn evidence, sworn statement, sworn testimony, taxing, testimonial, testimonium, testimony, thought, true bill, unspoken accusation, utterance, veiled accusation, vouch, witness, word