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Meaning of FOX

Pronunciation:  fâks, fâks

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail; most are predators that do not hunt in packs
  2. [n]  the Algonquian language of the Fox people
  3. [n]  a member of an Algonquian people formerly living west of Lake Michigan along the Fox River
  4. [n]  a shifty deceptive person
  5. [n]  English religious leader who founded the Society of Friends (1624-1691)
  6. [n]  English statesman who supported American independence and the French Revolution (1749-1806)
  7. [n]  the gray or reddish-brown fur of a fox
  8. [v]  be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher"
  9. [v]  become discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots
  10. [v]  deceive somebody; "We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week"
 Synonyms: bedevil, befuddle, Charles James Fox, confound, confuse, discombobulate, dodger, fob, fuddle, George Fox, play a trick on, pull a fast one on, slyboots, throw, trick
 See Also: Algonquian, Algonquian, Algonquian language, Algonquin, Algonquin, Alopex lagopus, amaze, arctic fox, baffle, be, beat, beguiler, bewilder, canid, canine, cheat, cheater, cozen, deceive, deceiver, delude, demoralize, disorient, disorientate, dumbfound, flummox, fur, get, gravel, gray fox, grey fox, kit fox, lead on, mystify, national leader, nonplus, pelt, perplex, pose, prairie fox, puzzle, red fox, religionist, religious person, Reynard, slicker, snooker, solon, spot, statesman, stupefy, trickster, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, vex, Vulpes fulva, Vulpes macrotis, Vulpes velox, Vulpes vulpes, white fox



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fox\, n.; pl. {Foxes}. [AS. fox; akin to D. vos, G. fuchs,
    OHG. fuhs, foha, Goth. fa['u]h?, Icel. f?a fox, fox fraud; of
    unknown origin, cf. Skr. puccha tail. Cf. {Vixen}.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) A carnivorous animal of the genus {Vulpes},
       family {Canid[ae]}, of many species. The European fox ({V.
       vulgaris} or {V. vulpes}), the American red fox ({V.
       fulvus}), the American gray fox ({V. Virginianus}), and
       the arctic, white, or blue, fox ({V. lagopus}) are
       well-known species.
    Note: The black or silver-gray fox is a variety of the
          American red fox, producing a fur of great value; the
          cross-gray and woods-gray foxes are other varieties of
          the same species, of less value. The common foxes of
          Europe and America are very similar; both are
          celebrated for their craftiness. They feed on wild
          birds, poultry, and various small animals.
                Subtle as the fox for prey.        --Shak.
    2. (Zo["o]l.) The European dragonet.
    3. (Zo["o]l.) The fox shark or thrasher shark; -- called also
       {sea fox}. See {Thrasher shark}, under {Shark}.
    4. A sly, cunning fellow. [Colloq.]
             We call a crafty and cruel man a fox. --Beattie.
    5. (Naut.) Rope yarn twisted together, and rubbed with tar;
       -- used for seizings or mats.
    6. A sword; -- so called from the stamp of a fox on the
       blade, or perhaps of a wolf taken for a fox. [Obs.]
             Thou diest on point of fox.           --Shak.
    7. pl. (Enthnol.) A tribe of Indians which, with the Sacs,
       formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin;
       -- called also {Outagamies}.
    {Fox and geese}.
       (a) A boy's game, in which one boy tries to catch others
           as they run one goal to another.
       (b) A game with sixteen checkers, or some substitute for
           them, one of which is called the fox, and the rest the
           geese; the fox, whose first position is in the middle
           of the board, endeavors to break through the line of
           the geese, and the geese to pen up the fox.
    {Fox bat} (Zo["o]l.), a large fruit bat of the genus
       {Pteropus}, of many species, inhabiting Asia, Africa, and
       the East Indies, esp. {P. medius} of India. Some of the
       species are more than four feet across the outspread
       wings. See {Fruit bat}.
    {Fox bolt}, a bolt having a split end to receive a fox wedge.
    {Fox brush} (Zo["o]l.), the tail of a fox.
    {Fox evil}, a disease in which the hair falls off; alopecy.
    {Fox grape} (Bot.), the name of two species of American
       grapes. The northern fox grape ({Vitis Labrusca}) is the
       origin of the varieties called {Isabella}, {Concord},
       {Hartford}, etc., and the southern fox grape ({Vitis
       vulpina}) has produced the {Scuppernong}, and probably the
    {Fox hunter}.
       (a) One who pursues foxes with hounds.
       (b) A horse ridden in a fox chase.
    {Fox shark} (Zo["o]l.), the thrasher shark. See {Thrasher
       shark}, under {Thrasher}.
    {Fox sleep}, pretended sleep.
    {Fox sparrow} (Zo["o]l.), a large American sparrow
       ({Passerella iliaca}); -- so called on account of its
       reddish color.
    {Fox squirrel} (Zo["o]l.), a large North American squirrel
       ({Sciurus niger}, or {S. cinereus}). In the Southern
       States the black variety prevails; farther north the
       fulvous and gray variety, called the {cat squirrel}, is
       more common.
    {Fox terrier} (Zo["o]l.), one of a peculiar breed of
       terriers, used in hunting to drive foxes from their holes,
       and for other purposes. There are rough- and smooth-haired
    {Fox trot}, a pace like that which is adopted for a few
       steps, by a horse, when passing from a walk into a trot,
       or a trot into a walk.
    {Fox wedge} (Mach. & Carpentry), a wedge for expanding the
       split end of a bolt, cotter, dowel, tenon, or other piece,
       to fasten the end in a hole or mortise and prevent
       withdrawal. The wedge abuts on the bottom of the hole and
       the piece is driven down upon it. Fastening by fox wedges
       is called foxtail wedging.
    {Fox wolf} (Zo["o]l.), one of several South American wild
       dogs, belonging to the genus {Canis}. They have long,
       bushy tails like a fox.
  2. \Fox\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Foxed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Foxing}.] [See {Fox}, n., cf. Icel. fox imposture.]
    1. To intoxicate; to stupefy with drink.
             I drank . . . so much wine that I was almost foxed.
    2. To make sour, as beer, by causing it to ferment.
    3. To repair the feet of, as of boots, with new front upper
       leather, or to piece the upper fronts of.
  3. \Fox\, v. i.
    To turn sour; -- said of beer, etc., when it sours in
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a fox lurking about in your dream, represents cleverness and resourcefulness. You need to use your insight and intellect to solve some problem. Perhaps you need to conceal your thoughts and/or remain silent. Alternatively, it indicates a period of isolation or loneliness. It is a good way for you to use this time to reflect.
Easton Bible Dictionary

(Heb. shu'al, a name derived from its digging or burrowing under ground), the Vulpes thaleb, or Syrian fox, the only species of this animal indigenous to Palestine. It burrows, is silent and solitary in its habits, is destructive to vineyards, being a plunderer of ripe grapes (Cant. 2:15). The Vulpes Niloticus, or Egyptian dog-fox, and the Vulpes vulgaris, or common fox, are also found in Palestine.

The proverbial cunning of the fox is alluded to in Ezek. 13:4, and in Luke 13:32, where our Lord calls Herod "that fox." In Judg. 15:4, 5, the reference is in all probability to the jackal. The Hebrew word _shu'al_ through the Persian _schagal_ becomes our jackal (Canis aureus), so that the word may bear that signification here. The reasons for preferring the rendering "jackal" are (1) that it is more easily caught than the fox; (2) that the fox is shy and suspicious, and flies mankind, while the jackal does not; and (3) that foxes are difficult, jackals comparatively easy, to treat in the way here described. Jackals hunt in large numbers, and are still very numerous in Southern Palestine.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: African hunting dog, Artful Dodger, brush wolf, Cape hunting dog, charmer, coyote, crafty rascal, dingo, dodger, glib tongue, horse trader, hyena, jackal, lobo, medicine wolf, Philadelphia lawyer, prairie wolf, reynard, shyster, slick citizen, sly dog, slyboots, sweet talker, swindler, timber wolf, trickster, wolf, Yankee horse trader