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Meaning of FABIAN

Pronunciation:  'feybeeun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a member of the Fabian Society in Britain
  2. [adj]  using cautious slow strategy to wear down opposition; avoiding direct confrontation; "a fabian policy"
  3. [adj]  of or relating to Fabianism; "the Fabian society"
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 Synonyms: cautious, dilatory
 See Also: Fabian Society, socialist



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fa"bi*an\, a. [L. Fabianus, Fabius, belonging to
    Of, pertaining to, or in the manner of, the Roman general,
    Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus; cautious; dilatory;
    avoiding a decisive contest.
    {Fabian policy}, a policy like that of Fabius Maximus, who,
       by carefully avoiding decisive contests, foiled Hannibal,
       harassing his army by marches, countermarches, and
       ambuscades; a policy of delays and cautions.
  2. \Fa"bi*an\, n.
    A member of, or sympathizer with, the Fabian Society.
  3. \Fa"bi*an\, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to the Roman gens Fabia.
    2. Designating, or pertaining to, a society of socialists,
       organized in England in 1884 to spread socialistic
       principles gradually without violent agitation.
             The Fabian Society proposes then to conquer by
             delay; to carry its programme, not by a hasty rush,
             but through the slower, but, as it thinks, surer
             methods of patient discussion, exposition, and
             political action.                     --William
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: collectivist, collectivistic, corrective, emendatory, extremist, Fabian socialist, Fourierist, Fourieristic, gradualistic, Marxist, meliorist, melioristic, Owenite, phalansterian, progressionist, progressist, progressive, progressivist, radical, reformational, reformative, reformatory, reformer, reformist, reformistic, revisional, revisionist, revisory, revolutionary, Saint-Simonian, socialist, socialistic, state socialist, utopian, utopian socialist, utopist