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Meaning of OFFICE

Pronunciation:  'ofis

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Matching Terms:  office block, office boy, office building, office by example, office furniture, office of management and budget, office staff, office wire, office workstations limited, office-bearer, officeholder, officer, officer's mess, official, official document, official emissary, official production system, official reports, officialdom, officialese, officialily, officialise, officialism, officialize, officially, officialty, officiant, officiary, officiate, officiating, officiation, officiator, officinal, officious, officiously, officiousness

Computing Dictionary

microsoft office

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: act of grace, act of kindness, advice, advocacy, aegis, agency, agentship, aid, alerting, appointment, area, assignment, assistance, atelier, auspices, authority, authorization, baccalaureate service, backhouse, backing, backup, bailiwick, bedtime prayer, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, benignity, berth, billet, bit, blessing, booking office, box office, branch, branch office, brevet, bureau, business, cabinet, camp meeting, capacity, care, caution, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, chambers, chancellery, chancery, character, charge, chore, church, church service, closet, clue, comfort, commencement, commissariat, commission, commissioning, commitment, company, compline, connection, consignment, constablery, constablewick, constabulary, consulate, convocation, corporate headquarters, corporation, courtesy, crapper, cue, cure, delegated authority, delegation, den, department, deputation, devolution, devolvement, devotions, divine service, division, duty, ease, embassy, employment, empowerment, empty formality, end use, engagement, entrusting, entrustment, errand, establishment, evening devotions, evensong, executive office, executorship, exequatur, exercise, exercises, factorship, favor, firm, form, form of worship, formal, formality, formula, formulary, full power, function, gig, good deed, good offices, good turn, grace, graduation, graduation exercises, headquarters, help, holy rite, home office, house, immediate purpose, inaugural, inauguration, incumbency, indulgence, initiation, institution, intercession, intermediation, jakes, job, jurisdiction, kind deed, kind offices, kindly act, kindness, labor of love, lauds, legation, library, license, lieutenancy, liturgy, lob, loft, main office, mandate, Mass, matins, mediation, meeting, mercy, ministration, ministry, mission, mitzvah, mode of worship, monition, moonlighting, morning devotions, mummery, municipality, mystery, necessary, night song, none, nones, novena, obligation, observance, occupation, offices, opening, operation, operational purpose, order of worship, ordinance, organization, outhouse, part, passing word, patronage, performance, place, plenipotentiary power, pointer, position, post, power of attorney, power to act, practice, praise meeting, prayer, prayer meeting, prayers, prescribed form, prime, prime song, procuration, protection, province, proxy, public worship, purpose, purview, regency, regentship, relief, religious ceremony, remedy, rescue, responsibility, revival, revival meeting, rite, rite de passage, rite of passage, ritual, ritual observance, rituality, role, room, sacrament, sacramental, sail loft, second job, secretariat, section, service, sext, sheriffalty, sheriffwick, shop, shrievalty, shtick, situation, solemnity, solemnization, spot, stacks, station, steer, studio, study, succor, support, task, tent meeting, tenure, therapy, thing, ticket office, tierce, tip, tip-off, trust, trusteeship, turn, ultimate purpose, undersong, use, vacancy, vesper, vespers, vicarious authority, vigils, warning, warrant, watch meeting, watch night, watch-night service, whisper, work, workplace, workroom