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Meaning of BACKUP

Pronunciation:  'bak`up

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  (computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device; "he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased"
  2. [n]  someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"
 Synonyms: backup man, computer backup, fill-in, relief, reliever, stand-in, substitute
 See Also: alternate, compeer, double, duplicate, duplication, equal, locum, locum tenens, match, peer, replacement, stunt man, stunt woman, surrogate



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Computing Dictionary

(Sometimes "back up" when used as a verb) A spare copy of a file, file system or other resource for use in the event of failure or loss of the original.

The term is most commonly used to refer to a copy of all the files on a computer's disks which is made periodically and kept on magnetic tape or other removable medium (also called a "dump").

This essential precaution is neglected by most new computer users until the first time they experience a disk crash or accidentally delete the only copy of the file they have been working on for the last six months.

Ideally the backup copies should be kept at a different site or in a fire safe since, though your hardware may be insured against fire, the data on it is almost certainly neither insured nor easily replaced.

See also incremental backup. Compare archive.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: about-face, about-turn, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, attorney, back track, back trail, backing, backing off, backing out, backing up, backup man, champion, change, changeling, comparison, copy, counterfeit, deputy, double, dummy, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exchange, executive officer, exponent, fake, figurehead, fill-in, ghost, ghostwriter, imitation, lieutenant, locum, locum tenens, makeshift, metaphor, metonymy, mock, next best thing, paranymph, personnel, phony, pinch, pinch hitter, pleader, procurator, provisional, proxy, relief, replacement, representative, reserve, reserves, reversal, reverse, reversing, reversion, right-about, right-about-face, ringer, second in command, second string, secondary, sign, spare, spares, stand-in, stopgap, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, superseder, supplanter, surrogate, swingaround, symbol, synecdoche, temporary, tentative, third string, token, turnabout, turnaround, understudy, utility, utility man, utility player, vicar, vicar general, vicarious, vice, vicegerent, vice-president, vice-regent, volte-face