Meaning of DEVOTIONS
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | aid prayer, Angelus, appeal, Ave, Ave Maria, beadroll, beads, bedtime prayer, beseechment, bidding prayer, breviary, camp meeting, chaplet, church, church service, collect, communion, compline, contemplation, divine service, duty, entreaty, evening devotions, evensong, exercises, grace, Hail Mary, impetration, imploration, intercession, invocation, Kyrie Eleison, lauds, litany, liturgy, Mass, matins, meditation, meeting, morning devotions, night song, none, nones, novena, obsecration, obtestation, office, orison, Paternoster, petition, praise meeting, prayer, prayer meeting, prayer wheel, prayers, prime, prime song, public worship, revival, revival meeting, rogation, rosary, service, sext, silent prayer, suit, supplication, tent meeting, thanks, thanksgiving, tierce, undersong, vesper, vespers, vigils, watch meeting, watch night, watch-night service |
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