Meaning of KICK
Pronunciation: | | kik
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | [IRC] To cause somebody to be removed from a IRC channel, an option only available to CHOPs. This is an extreme measure, often used to combat extreme flamage or flooding, but sometimes used at the chop's whim. Compare gun. [Jargon File] |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abandon, aggressiveness, aid to navigation, air a grievance, alarm, amber light, amusement, animal pleasure, antagonism, antipathy, backfire, backlash, backlashing, balefire, bang, beacon, beacon fire, beat the drum, beef, beefing, bell, bell buoy, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, bite, blinker, blue peter, bodily pleasure, boggle, boomerang, boot, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, boycott, break, break the habit, briskness, broad hint, bump, buoy, bust, calcitration, call in question, can, cannon, cannon off, carnal delight, carom, cashier, caution light, challenge, charge, clamor, clashing, clue, collision, comfort, complain, complain loudly, complaining, complaint, compunction, conflict, confront, confutation, contend with, content, contentment, contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, contrecoup, counteraction, counterposition, counterworking, coziness, crab, crankiness, creature comforts, croak, crotchetiness, cry out against, cue, dash, defrock, degrade, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demonstration, demote, demur, demurrer, deplume, depose, deprive, destructive criticism, dip, disbar, discharge, discontinue, disemploy, dismiss, displace, displume, dispute, dissent, drive, drop, drop kick, drum out, ease, endpleasure, enjoyment, enter a protest, enterprise, entertainment, euphoria, except, exception, exchange colors, expel, expostulate, expostulation, face down, face out, face up to, faultfinding, fire, flag, flag down, flare, flash, flush, fly back, fog bell, fog signal, fog whistle, foghorn, forepleasure, fret, fret and fume, friction, front, fruition, fun, furlough, fuss, gentle hint, gesture, get-up-and-go, ginger, give a signal, give the ax, give the gate, give the nod, give up, glance, glimmer, glimmering, go light, gong buoy, gratification, great satisfaction, green light, grievance, grievance committee, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouch, grouse, grousing, growl, grumble, grumbling, grunt, gusto, guts, hail, hail and speak, half-mast, have repercussions, hearty enjoyment, heliograph, high sign, hint, hoist a banner, holler, hotness, howl, implication, index, indication, indignation meeting, initiative, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intellectual pleasure, interference, international alphabet flag, international numeral pennant, intimation, inveigh, joie de vivre, jollies, keen pleasure, kick against, kick back, kick upstairs, kickback, kicking, kicks, knee, lash back, lay off, leave off, leer, let go, let out, lift, liveliness, lodge a complaint, look, luxury, make a sign, make a stand, make redundant, march, marker beacon, meet head-on, murmur, murmuring, mutter, nip, nippiness, nod, nonconformity, nonviolent protest, nudge, object, objection, offer resistance, oppose, opposition, opposure, oppugnance, oppugnancy, parachute flare, peeve, peevishness, pension off, pep, pepper, pepperiness, perverseness, pet peeve, petulance, physical pleasure, picket, picketing, pilot flag, piss and vinegar, pizzazz, place kick, pleasure, poke, police whistle, poop, press objections, prompt, protest, protest demonstration, protestation, punch, punt, push, qualm, quarantine flag, querulousness, quiet pleasure, quiver, raciness, radio beacon, raise a cry, raise a howl, rally, reaction, read out of, rebound, rebuff, recalcitrance, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, red flag, red light, register a complaint, release, relish, reluct, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstration, remove, renitency, repercuss, repercussion, replace, repugnance, repulse, resile, resilience, resistance, retire, revolt, ricochet, rocket, Roman candle, rush, rush of emotion, sack, sailing aid, salute, satisfaction, scent, scolding, scruple, self-gratification, self-indulgence, semaphore, semaphore flag, semaphore telegraph, sensation, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure, separate forcibly, sexual pleasure, shake, shiver, show fight, shudder, sign, signal, signal beacon, signal bell, signal fire, signal flag, signal gong, signal gun, signal lamp, signal light, signal mast, signal post, signal rocket, signal shot, signal siren, signal tower, signalize, sit in, sit-in, snap, snap back, snappiness, sniping, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, spar buoy, speak, spice, spiciness, spoor, spring, spring back, spunk, squawk, squawking, stand, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, starch, state a grievance, stop, stop light, strike, strip, strive against, suggestion, superannuate, surge of emotion, surplus, suspend, suspicion, swear off, sweetness of life, swimming upstream, symptom, take on, tang, tanginess, teach in, teach-in, telltale, the nod, the wink, thrill, throw off, thrust, tingle, tingling, titillation, touch, track, traffic light, traffic signal, tremor, tremor of excitement, turn off, turn out, unfrock, unfurl a flag, verve, vim, voluptuousness, wallop, watch fire, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, well-being, whine, whining, whisper, white flag, wigwag, wigwag flag, wink, withstand, yap, yapping, yell bloody murder, yellow flag, yelp, zest, zestfulness, zing, zip |