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GRUMBLING: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Pronunciation:  gr'umbuling

Matching Terms:  Grumblingly

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
  2. [n]  a loud low dull continuous noise; "they heard the rumbling of thunder"
  3. [adj]  muttering discontentedly; "the grumbling boarders requested a meeting with the cook"
  4. [adj]  continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound; "the rumbling rolling sound of thunder"
 Synonyms: complaining(a), complaintive, full, grumble, grumble, murmur, murmuring, mutter, muttering, rumble, rumbling, rumbling
 See Also: complaint, noise



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: beef, beefing, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, boom, booming, complaining, complaint, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, destructive criticism, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, dissent, echo, envious, faultfinding, grievance, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouchy, grouse, grousing, growl, growling, gruff, grumble, grumbly, grumpish, grumpy, holler, howl, kick, kicking, malcontent, malcontented, murmuring, muttering, out of humor, peeve, peevish, peevishness, pet peeve, petulance, petulant, protest, querulant, querulous, querulousness, rebellious, reboation, rebound, reecho, resentful, resound, resounding, restive, restless, reverberation, rumble, rumbling, scolding, sniping, squawk, squawking, sulky, thunder, thundering, unaccepting, unaccommodating, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unsatisfied, whining, whiny, yapping



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