Meaning of FORWARD
Pronunciation: | | 'forwurd
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Matching Terms: | | forward analysis, forward chaining, forward compatibility, forward compatible, forward delta, forward engineering, forward error correction, forward motion, forward mutation, forward pass, forward passer, forwarder, forwarding, forward-looking, forwardly, forward-moving, forwardness, forwards, forwards compatibility, forwards compatible
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | (verb) To send (a copy of) an electronic mail message that you have received on to one or more other addressees. Most e-mail systems can be configured to do this automatically to all or certain messages, e.g. unix sendmail looks for a ".forward" file in the recipient's home directory. A mailing list server (or "mail exploder") is designed to forward messages automatically to lists of people. unix manual page: aliases(5). |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a bit previous, accelerate, acculturate, acquiescent, act for, actuate, address, advance, advanced, advancing, advantage, adventurous, agog, agreeable, ahead, aid, air-express, airfreight, airmail, alacritous, alee, all agog, along, ameliorate, amenable, amend, animate, animated, answer, ante, anterior, anxious, ardent, arrogant, assist, audacious, avid, back, be instrumental, be right, befit, befitting, beforehand, benefit, better, bold, boost, bowl, brash, brazen, brazenfaced, breathless, bring forward, bumptious, bundle, bunt, bursting to, bustle, busy, busybody, butt, champion, cheeky, chief, circulate, civilize, clockwise, cold, come across with, compel, compliant, conduce to, consenting, consign, content, contribute to, controlled, contumelious, cool, cooperative, crowd, daredevil, daring, death-defying, decide, deliver, deliver over, desirous, determine, disdainful, dispatch, disposed, disrespectful, distribute, do the trick, docile, drive, drive on, drop a letter, eager, edify, educate, elevate, embark, emend, en route to, encourage, enhance, enlighten, enrich, enthusiastic, exhibitionistic, expedite, export, express, facilitate, facing, familiar, far ahead, fatten, favor, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fill the bill, fire-eating, firm-minded, first, fit, flagrant, flip, flippant, foolhardy, for, fore, forehand, foremost, fork over, forth, forward-looking, forwards, foster, freight, fresh, front, frontal, frontward, frontwards, full of life, further, game, give an impetus, give in, give momentum, give out, give over, go between, go straight, goad, go-ahead, half-baked, half-cocked, hand, hand in, hand out, hand over, harebrained, haste, hasten, hasten on, hasty, head, headmost, headward, headwards, help, hie on, hubristic, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry up, hustle, hustle up, ill-considered, immodest, impatient, impel, impertinent, importunate, improve, improve upon, impudent, impulsive, in advance, in the mind, in the mood, incite, inclined, independent, influence, inquisitive, insolent, insulting, keen, lard, lead to, leading, lend wings to, lift, lively, madbrain, madbrained, madcap, mail, make an improvement, make for, meddlesome, meddling, mediate, meliorate, mend, minded, minister to, motivate, move, moving, nervy, nosy, not come amiss, not firm, notorious, nourish, nurture, obtrusive, officious, on, oncoming, ongoing, onward, onwards, out, overhasty, overpresumptuous, oversoon, overweening, panting, pass, pass out, pass over, patronize, pedal, pert, pliant, pole, post, power, precipitate, precocious, predisposed, premature, press, presuming, presumptuous, previous, primary, prime, procacious, proceeding, profit, progressing, progressive, promote, prompt, prone, propel, prying, push, push forward, push on, push through, pushful, pushing, pushy, put forward, put in motion, quick, quicken, railroad through, raise, raring to, rash, reach, ready, ready and willing, receptive, redound to, refine upon, reform, remit, render, resign, responsive, roll, route, row, rush, rush along, rushed, sassy, saucy, self-appointed, self-asserting, self-assertive, self-controlled, self-expressive, self-possessed, self-restrained, send, send away, send forth, send off, serve, set agoing, set forward, set going, set in motion, shameless, ship, shove, shunt, smart, smart-alecky, snoopy, socialize, speed, speed along, speed up, spirited, spur, stampede, step up, straighten out, strong-minded, strong-willed, subserve, suit the occasion, support, surrender, sweep, sweep along, thrust, to the fore, too early, too soon, tractable, transfer, transfigure, transform, transmit, treadle, troll, trundle, turn over, turn the scale, unabashed, unashamed, unblushing, uncrystallized, unembarrassed, unjelled, unmatured, unmeditated, unmodest, unpremeditated, unprepared, unripe, untimely, up, upgrade, uphold, uplift, uppish, uppity, urge, vanward, vital, vivacious, vivid, well-developed, well-disposed, well-inclined, whip, whip along, whip on, wild, wild-ass, willed, willing, willinghearted, work, zealous, zestful |