Meaning of CHAIN
Pronunciation: | | cheyn, cheyn
Matching Terms: | | Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Chaim Soutine, Chaim Weizmann, chain armor, chain armour, chain fern, chain gang, chain isomer, chain letter, chain lightning, chain mail, chain of mountains, chain pickerel, chain pike, chain printer, Chain pump, chain reaction, chain reactor, chain saw, chain stitch, chain store, Chain tie, chain tongs, chain up, Chain wheel, chain wrench, chaine operatoire, chained, Chainless, Chainlet, chainlike, chainlink fence, chains, Chainsaw, chain-smoke, chain-smoker, Chainwork, chair, chair car, chair lift, chairlift, Chairman, chairman of the board, Chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, Chaise, chaise longue, Chait
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing chains in your dream means your need to break free from a routine, old idea, or a relationship. If you are being chained, then some part of you is being forcefully head in check. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | accouple, accumulate, accumulative, additive, additory, agglutinate, Alps, alps on alps, alternation, amass, anchor, Andes, andiron, anklet, armlet, armory, array, arrest, articulate, articulation, assemble, associate, atomic cluster, badge, badge of office, badges, band, bandage, bangle, bank, baton, batten, batten down, be continuous, beads, bearing rein, belay, belt, bend, benzene ring, bijou, bilbo, bind, bind up, bit, blazonry, bond, bonds, brace, bracelet, bracket, brake, branched chain, brassard, breastpin, bridge, bridge over, bridle, brooch, bundle, button, buzz, camisole, cap and gown, cartel, catena, catenate, catenation, Caucasus, cement, chain of office, chain reaction, chaining, chains, chaplet, charm, chatelaine, check, checkrein, chock, cinch, circle, clap together, class ring, cliched, clog, closed chain, coal tongs, cockade, collar, collect, combination, combine, commonplace, compound radical, comprise, concatenate, concatenation, confine, confinement, conglobulate, conglomerate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, connect up, connection, consecution, continuate, continue, continuum, control, copulate, cordillera, coronet, countercheck, couple, course, cover, crane, crook, cross, crown, cuffs, curb, curb bit, cycle, damper, decoration, descent, diadem, do up, doorstop, drag, drag sail, dress, drift anchor, drift sail, drogue, drone, eagle, earring, emblems, embrace, enchain, encompass, endless belt, endless round, ensigns, entrammel, fasces, fasten, fasten down, fetter, fetters, figurehead, file, filiation, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, fleur-de-lis, fob, form a series, gag, gamut, gather, gem, gird, girdle, girt, girth, glue, gradation, grate, grating, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill, griller, group, gyve, gyves, hackneyed, halter, hammer and sickle, hamper, handcuff, handcuffs, heraldry, heterocycle, Himalayas, hobble, hobbles, hog-tie, holdback, homocycle, hopple, hopples, hum, include, Indian file, insignia, irons, jewel, join, Kekule formula, knot, lace, lapel pin, lash, lattice, lay together, leading strings, league, leash, lifter, limit, line, lineage, link, livery, locket, lump together, mace, maintain continuity, make fast, make secure, make sure, manacle, mantle, markings, marry, marshal, martingale, mass, massif, medal, merge, mobilize, molecule, monotone, moor, mortarboard, mountain range, muzzle, necklace, nexus, nose ring, old hat, old school tie, order, Oregon boat, pair, peg down, pelham, pendulum, periodicity, picket, piece together, pillory, pin, pin down, pinion, plenum, poker, pool, pothook, powder train, precious stone, progression, put in irons, put together, queue, radical, range, rank, recurrence, regalia, reins, restrain, restraint, restraints, restrict, reticulation, rhinestone, ring, Rockies, roll into one, rope, rose, rotation, round, routine, row, run, run on, salamander, scale, school ring, scotch, sea anchor, secure, sequence, series, set, shackle, shamrock, shopworn, side chain, sierra, sigillography, simple radical, single file, skull and crossbones, snaffle, solder, space-lattice, span, spectrum, sphragistics, spit, splice, spoke, staff, stale, stay, stereotyped, stick together, stickpin, stocks, stone, stop, straight chain, straightjacket, straitjacket, strait-waistcoat, stranglehold, strap, string, string together, succession, summative, swaddle, swastika, swath, swathe, take in, tape, tartan, tether, thistle, thread, tiara, tie, tie down, tie up, tier, tongs, torque, train, trammel, trammels, tripod, trivet, truss, trust, turnspit, twice-told, uniform, unify, unite, verge, wampum, wand, weld, windrow, wire, wrap, wrap up, wristband, wristlet, yoke |