Meaning of BROKEN
Pronunciation: | | 'browkun
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Matching Terms: | | broke, broken arch, broken arrow, broken breast, broken in, broken wind, broken-backed, broken-bellied, broken-down, broken-field, brokenhearted, broken-hearted, brokenheartedness, brokenly, brokenness, broken-winded, broker, brokerage, brokerage account, brokerage firm, brokerage house, broker-dealer, brokerly, brokery, broket
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Not working properly (of programs). |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | aggravated, aloof, ausgespielt, bankrupt, beaten, blasted, blighted, broke, broken off, broken-down, brought low, bumpy, burned, burst, busted, capricious, careening, catchy, chastened, checked, chipped, chopped-off, choppy, coarse, coarse-grained, conditioned, conquered, corrugated, cracked, crazed, cross-grained, crushed, cut, damaged, debilitated, decousu, defeated, defied, dejected, demoralized, desolated, destitute, destroyed, desultory, detached, deteriorated, devastated, deviative, disciplined, disconnected, discontinued, discontinuous, discouraged, discrete, disintegrated, disjointed, disjunctive, disobeyed, dispirited, disregarded, disturbed, docile, domesticated, done for, done in, dovelike, down-and-out, eccentric, embittered, enfeebled, episodic, erratic, exacerbated, failed, fallen, felled, finished, fitful, flattened, flickering, fluctuating, fractured, fragmentary, fragmented, gapped, gentle, gone to pot, grainy, granulated, guttering, halting, harmed, haywire, herky-jerky, heteroclite, homespun, horripilant, housebroke, housebroken, humble, humbled, humiliated, hurt, ignored, immethodical, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in disrepair, in pieces, in receivership, in ruins, in shards, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, inequal, infringed, injured, inoperative, insolvent, intermittent, intermitting, interrupted, irregular, irremediable, irritated, jagged, jerky, jolty, kaput, lacerated, lamblike, licked, linsey-woolsey, lurching, made to grovel, mangled, mastered, meek, mild, mutilated, nonadherent, nonadhesive, noncoherent, noncohesive, noncontinuous, nonlinear, nonsequential, nonserial, nonuniform, obedient, on the blink, on the fritz, on the rocks, open, out of commission, out of condition, out of gear, out of joint, out of kelter, out of kilter, out of order, out of repair, out of tune, out of whack, overthrown, pacific, parenthetic, patchy, peaceable, pimply, pitted, pocky, potholed, pulverized, put down, quelled, quiet, rambling, rank, ravaged, reduced, rent, ripply, rough, rough-cast, rough-grained, rough-hewn, ruffled, ruined, ruinous, ruptured, rutted, rutty, scalded, scorched, scrappy, shagged, shaggy, shattered, shivered, slashed, slit, smashed, snatchy, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spastic, splintered, split, spoiled, sporadic, spotty, sprung, staggering, subdued, subjugated, suppressed, suspended, tame, tamed, tenuous, textured, the worse for, torn, trained, transgressed, unadhesive, uncertain, uncoherent, uncohesive, unconnected, undone, unequal, uneven, unjoined, unkempt, unlevel, unmethodical, unmetrical, unpolished, unrefined, unregular, unrhythmical, unsettled, unsmooth, unsteady, unsuccessive, unsystematic, untenacious, ununiform, vanquished, variable, veering, violated, wandering, wasted, wavering, weakened, wimpled, wobbling, wobbly, worse, worse off, worsened, wrecked |