Meaning of ADDRESS
Pronunciation: | | [n]'udres, [v]u'dres, u'dres
Matching Terms: | | address bus, address mask, address resolution, Address Resolution Protocol, address space, Address Strobe, addressable, addressed, addressed call mode, addressee, addressing machine, addressing mode, Addression, Addressograph
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. e-mail address. 2. Internet address. 3. MAC address. 4. An unsigned integer used to select one fundamental element of storage, usually known as a word from a computer's main memory or other storage device. The CPU outputs addresses on its address bus which may be connected to an address decoder, cache controller, memory management unit, and other devices. While from a hardware point of view an address is indeed an integer most strongly typed programming languages disallow mixing integers and addresses, and indeed addresses of different data types. This is a fine example for syntactic salt: the compiler could work without it but makes writing bad programs more difficult. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abiding place, ability, abode, accost, action, actions, activity, acts, address, adduce, adeptness, adroitness, advance, affability, affectation, affirmation, after-dinner speech, aim, air, airmanship, allegation, allege, allocution, angle for, animadvert, answer, apostrophe, apostrophize, appeal to, application, apply, apply to, approach, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, asking, assertion, associate, attend, averment, bearing, beau, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bend, bespeak, bid for, bid good day, bid good morning, billhead, bob, bow, bow to, bravura, brilliance, buckle down, buttonhole, call to, cantonment, canvass, capability, capacity, carriage, cast, chalk talk, chase, cite, cleverness, command, comment, commentate, competence, comportment, conduct, connect, consign, control, converse, coordination, couple, court, crack, craft, craftsmanship, crash pad, crib, culture pattern, cunning, curtsy, custom, debate, declamation, declaration, deftness, deliver an address, demand, demeanor, deportment, desire, destination, devote, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diatribe, dictum, diplomacy, direct, direction, discourse, dispatch, document, doing, doings, domicile, domus, dwelling, dwelling place, ease, efficiency, embrace, escort, esquire, eulogy, exchange greetings, exclamation, exemplify, exhortation, expertise, expressed desire, expression, facility, filibuster, finesse, fish for, folkway, follow, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, forward, funeral oration, gestures, give, give a talk, goings-on, grace, graciousness, greet, greeting, grip, guise, habitation, hail, halloo, hand-clasp, handiness, handshake, harangue, hello, horsemanship, hortatory address, how-do-you-do, hug, illustrate, impetration, inaugural, inaugural address, incline, indent, ingeniousness, ingenuity, interjection, invective, invoke, jeremiad, kiss, kiss hands, know-how, lay, lay siege to, lecture, letterhead, level, lift the hat, link, location, lodging, lodging place, lodgment, look for, maintien, make suit to, make up to, manner, manners, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, memorialize, mention, method, methodology, methods, mien, modus vivendi, motions, movements, moves, name and address, neck, nest, nod, nod to, note, observable behavior, observation, offer, oration, pad, Parthian shot, pattern, pay addresses to, pay attention to, pay court to, pep talk, peroration, pet, petition, philippic, phrase, pitch, place, place to live, platform, point, poise, pop the question, port, pose, position, postal zone, posture, practical ability, practice, praxis, prefer, prelect, prepared speech, prepared text, presence, present, procedure, proceeding, proffer, proficiency, pronouncement, propose, prowess, public speech, pull the forelock, pursue, question, quickness, readiness, reading, recital, recitation, reflection, relate, remark, remit, request, requisition, residence, resource, resourcefulness, romance, roof, route, run after, rush, sales talk, salutation, salutatory, salutatory address, salute, savoir faire, savoir-faire, savvy, say, say hello, saying, screed, seamanship, seat, seek, sentence, serenade, sermon, set, set speech, shake, shake hands, ship, skill, skillfulness, sleight, smile, smile of recognition, smooch, soapbox, social science, solicit, spark, speak, speak fair, speak to, speech, speechification, speechify, speeching, spoon, squire, statement, stump, style, subjoinder, submit, sue, sue for, suggest, superscribe, superscription, swain, sweetheart, tact, tactfulness, tactics, take aside, take the floor, take the stump, talk, talk to, talkathon, tax, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, tender, thought, throw, timing, tirade, tone, touch the hat, train, transmit, turn, uncover, utterance, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, virtuosity, wave, way, way of life, ways, whereabouts, wish, wit, wizardry, woo, word, workmanship, zip code, zone |