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Meaning of HIP

Pronunciation:  hip

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: the region on each side of the pelvis that is made up of three sections: ilium, ischium, and pubis; the upper part of the femur (upper leg bone) fits into the hip via a ball-and-socket joint; the socket is a cup-shaped bone of the pelvis called the acetab
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: all the rage, all the thing, ankle, articulation, backside, bank, beam, behind, border, boundary, broadside, butt, buttocks, cervix, cheek, chop, clinch, closure, coast, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, coupling, croup, crupper, current, dovetail, elbow, embrace, fashionable, flank, gliding joint, go-go, groovy, hand, handedness, haunch, haunches, hep, hind end, hinge, hinged joint, in fashion, in style, in vogue, interface, into, join, joining, joint, jowl, juncture, knee, knuckle, laterality, link, many-sidedness, miter, mod, modern, mortise, multilaterality, nates, neck, new, newfashioned, on the beam, pivot, pivot joint, planking, popular, posterior, prevalent, profile, quarter, rabbet, really into, rear, rear end, rump, scarf, seam, shore, shoulder, side, siding, smart, stitch, suture, symphysis, temple, tie rod, toggle, toggle joint, trendy, unilaterality, union, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, weld, with it, wrist