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Meaning of CROUP

Pronunciation:  kroop

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the part of a quadruped that corresponds to the human buttocks
  2. [n]  a disease of infants and young children; harsh coughing and hoarseness and fever and difficult breathing
 Synonyms: croupe, hindquarters, rump, spasmodic laryngitis
 See Also: angina, body part, haunch, quadruped



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Croup\ (kr??p), n. [F. croupe hind quarters, croup, rump,
    of German or Icel. origin; cf. Icel. kryppa hump; akin to
    Icel. kroppr. Cf. {Crop}.]
    The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially
    of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle.
          So light to the croup the fair lady he swung, So light
          to the saddle before her he sprung.      --Sir W.
  2. \Croup\ (kr??p), n. [Scot. croup, cf. croup, crowp, to
    croak, to cry or speak with a hoarse voice; cf. also LG.
    kropp, G. kropf, the crop or craw of a bird, and tumor on the
    anterior part of the neck, a wen, etc. Cf. {Crop}.] (Med.)
    An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea,
    accompanied by a hoarse, ringing cough and stridulous,
    difficult breathing; esp., such an affection when associated
    with the development of a false membrane in the air passages
    (also called {membranous croup}). See {False croup}, under
    {False}, and {Diphtheria}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, asbestosis, Asiatic flu, asthma, atypical pneumonia, backside, behind, bituminosis, black lung, bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, butt, buttocks, catarrh, chalicosis, chronic bronchitis, cold, collapsed lung, common cold, coniosis, coryza, croupous pneumonia, crupper, double pneumonia, dry pleurisy, emphysema, empyema, epidemic pleurodynia, fibrinous pneumonia, flu, grippe, haunches, hay fever, hind end, Hong Kong flu, influenza, la grippe, laryngitis, lipoid pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, lung cancer, lung fever, nates, pharyngitis, pleurisy, pleuritis, pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, pneumonic fever, pneumothorax, posterior, quinsy, rear, rear end, rheum, rump, siderosis, silicosis, sore throat, swine flu, the sniffles, the snuffles, tonsilitis, virus pneumonia, wet pleurisy, whooping cough