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Meaning of DILATE

Pronunciation:  dI'leyt

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Matching Terms:  dilatability, dilatable, dilatation, dilatation and curettage, dilatator, dilated, dilatedly, dilater, dilation, dilation and curettage, dilative, dilatometer, dilator, dilatorily, dilatoriness, dilatory, dilatory plea

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: relax; expand.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: add to, aggrandize, amplify, augment, bag, balloon, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bloat, blow up, bouge, broaden, bug, build, build up, bulge, bulk, bulk out, crescendo, descant, describe, detail, develop, discuss, dissert, dissertate, distend, elaborate, enlarge, enlarge upon, evolve, expand, expatiate, explicate, extend, fill out, goggle, greaten, hike, hike up, huff, increase, inflate, lengthen, magnify, narrate, particularize, pooch, pop, pouch, pout, prolong, protract, puff, puff up, pump, pump up, raise, rarefy, recite, recount, rehearse, rehearse in extenso, relate, relate at large, round out, sermonize, snowball, stretch, sufflate, swell, swell out, tumefy, unfold, up, widen, work out