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Meaning of CAPSULE

Pronunciation:  'kapsul

Matching Terms:  capsula, capsula glomeruli, capsular, capsulate, capsulated, capsulise, Capsulitis, capsulize, Capsulotomy

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: the layer of cells around an organ, such as the capsule of the prostate.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abbreviated, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridge, abridged, abridgment, abstract, abstracted, amnion, apogee, attitude-control rocket, bag, ballistic capsule, bark, barrel, basket, bladder, bleb, blister, bobbed, boll, bolus, botany, bottle, box, box up, bran, brief, burn, burr, calyx, can, canned, capsulize, capsulized, carton, case, cask, cell, chaff, clipped, cod, compend, compressed, condensation, condense, condensed, condensed version, conspectus, corn shuck, cornhusk, crate, cropped, curtailed, cut short, cyst, deep-space ship, digest, digested, docked, docking, docking maneuver, draft, Earth insertion, elided, elliptic, encase, encyst, epitome, ferry rocket, fistula, follicle, fuel ship, gallbladder, hamper, head, hull, husk, injection, insertion, jacket, jar, legume, legumen, LEM, LM, loculus, lozenge, lunar excursion module, lunar module, manned rocket, marsupium, module, moon ship, mowed, mown, multistage rocket, nipped, nutshell, orbit, outline, overview, pack, package, palea, pandect, parcel, parking orbit, pease cod, peel, pericarp, perigee, pill, pocket, pod, pollard, polled, pot, potted, precis, pruned, reaped, reentry, review, rind, rocket, rubric, sac, saccule, sacculus, saccus, sack, scrotum, seed pod, seed vessel, seedbox, seedcase, shaved, sheared, shell, short-cut, shorten, shortened, shortened version, shuck, shuttle rocket, silique, sinus, skeleton, sketch, sketch out, skin, snub, snubbed, soft landing, sound, space capsule, space docking, space rocket, spacecraft, spaceship, stomach, summarize, survey, syllabus, synopsis, synopsize, tablet, tank, thumbnail sketch, tin, topical outline, trimmed, troche, udder, vasculum, ventricle, vesica, vesicle