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Meaning of PEEL

Pronunciation:  peel

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are peeling something, represents the shedding away of old ways, habits and conditions. It may also mean that you are finally getting rid of and discarding unneeded exterior pretenses.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abscind, acropolis, amputate, annihilate, ban, bar, bark, bastion, beachhead, blockhouse, bob, bran, bridgehead, bunker, capsule, case, castle, chaff, citadel, clip, coat, coating, collop, cork, corn shuck, cornhusk, cortex, covering, crop, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, deal, decorticate, defoliate, denude, descale, desquamate, disk, dismember, disrobe, dock, donjon, draw and quarter, eliminate, enucleate, epicarp, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, excoriate, exfoliate, extinguish, extirpate, fasthold, fastness, feuille, film, flake off, flap, flay, foil, fold, fort, fortress, garrison, garrison house, hold, hull, husk, isolate, jacket, keep, knock off, lacerate, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf, lop, maim, mangle, martello, martello tower, membrane, mote, motte, mutilate, nip, palea, pane, panel, pare, patina, peel off, peel tower, peeling, pellicle, phellum, pick out, pick to pieces, pillbox, plait, plank, plate, plating, ply, plywood, pod, post, prune, pull apart, rasher, rath, rind, root out, rule out, safehold, safety glass, scale, scalp, scum, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, sheet, shell, shred, shuck, skin, slab, slat, slice, stamp out, strike off, strip, strip off, strong point, stronghold, table, tablet, take apart, take off, take out, tear apart, tear to pieces, tear to tatters, tower, tower of strength, truncate, uncovered, undress, veneer, wafer, ward, wipe out