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Meaning of NERVOUS

Pronunciation:  'nurvus

Matching Terms:  Nervous Breakdown, nervous disorder, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, nervous strain, nervous system, nervous tissue, Nervously, nervousness

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are nervous about something indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of insecurity.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acid, agitable, agitated, all nerves, allergic, all-overish, anaphylactic, anxious, anxioused up, apprehensive, bashful, biting, bothered, concerned, corrosive, cowardly, critical, cutting, delicate, difficult, diffident, discomposed, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, driving, edgy, effective, emotional, emotionally unstable, empathetic, empathic, eruptive, excitable, excited, explosive, fearful, fearing, fearsome, feverish, fidgety, flurried, flustered, forceful, forcible, foreboding, fretful, frightened, goosey, goosy, gutsy, highly emotional, high-mettled, high-spirited, high-strung, hyperesthetic, hyperpathic, hypersensitive, imperative, impressive, in a dither, in a pucker, in a stew, in a sweat, in a tizzy, in fear, incisive, inflammable, irascible, irritable, itchy, jittery, jumpy, mettlesome, misgiving, mordant, mousy, nerval, nerves on edge, nervy, neural, neurological, on edge, on tenterhooks, overanxious, overapprehensive, overrefined, oversensible, oversensitive, overstrung, overtender, panicky, passible, penetrating, perturbable, perturbed, piercing, poignant, powerful, prickly, punchy, querulous, rabbity, refined, responsive, restless, ruffled, scared, scary, sensational, sensitive, shaken, shaken up, shaky, shivery, shrinking, shy, sinewed, sinewy, skittery, skittish, slashing, snappish, solicitous, spooky, startlish, stirred up, strained, striking, strong, strung out, supersensitive, suspenseful, sympathetic, tactful, telling, tender, tense, tetchy, thin-skinned, ticklish, timid, timorous, touchy, trembling, tremulous, trenchant, trepidant, trigger-happy, troubled, troublous, turbulent, twittery, uneasy, unpeaceful, unquiet, unrestful, upset, uptight, vigorous, vital, volatile, volcanic, waspish, worked up, worried, wrought up, zealous