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Pronunciation:  `apri'hensiv

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  in fear or dread of possible evil or harm; "apprehensive for one's life"; "apprehensive of danger"
  2. [adj]  mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; worried; "anxious parents"; "anxious about her job"; "not used to a city and anxious about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences"
  3. [adj]  quick to understand; "a kind and apprehensive friend"- Nathaniel Hawthorne

APPREHENSIVE is a 12 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: afraid(p), anxious, discerning, perceptive, uneasy



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ap`pre*hen"sive\, a. [Cf. F. appr['e]hensif. See
1. Capable of apprehending, or quick to do so; apt;
         It may be pardonable to imagine that a friend, a
         kind and apprehensive . . . friend, is listening to
         our talk.                             --Hawthorne.
2. Knowing; conscious; cognizant. [R.]
         A man that has spent his younger years in vanity and
         folly, and is, by the grace of God, apprehensive of
         it.                                   --Jer. Taylor.
3. Relating to the faculty of apprehension.
         Judgment . . . is implied in every apprehensive act.
                                               --Sir W.
4. Anticipative of something unfavorable' fearful of what may
   be coming; in dread of possible harm; in expectation of
         Not at all apprehensive of evils as a distance.
         Reformers . . . apprehensive for their lives.
5. Sensible; feeling; perceptive. [R.]
         Thoughts, my tormentors, armed with deadly stings,
         Mangle my apprehensive, tenderest parts. --Milton.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: afraid, agitated, alive, all nerves, all-knowing, all-overish, anxious, anxioused up, apperceptive, appercipient, apprehending, awake, aware, bothered, cognizant, comprehending, concerned, conscious, disquieted, disturbed, edgy, excitable, fearful, foreboding, frightened, high-strung, in a pucker, in a stew, in suspense, insightful, intelligent, irritable, keyed-up, knowing, knowledgeable, mindful, misgiving, nerves on edge, nervous, nervy, omniscient, on edge, on tenterhooks, on tiptoe, overanxious, overapprehensive, overstrung, panicky, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perturbed, prehensile, qualmish, qualmy, quivering, sagacious, sensible, sentient, shrewd, solicitous, strained, suspenseful, taut, tense, troubled, understanding, uneasy, ware, wise, with bated breath, with muscles tense, witting, zealous