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Meaning of BOTHERED

Pronunciation:  b'âdhurd

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  caused to show discomposure; "refused to be fazed by the objections"
 Synonyms: daunted, discomposed, fazed



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abashed, abroad, adrift, afflicted, aggravated, agitated, all-overish, angry, annoyed, anxious, anxioused up, apprehensive, astray, at sea, balled-up, beset, bewildered, browned-off, bugged, burnt-up, cast down, chafed, chagrined, chaotic, chapfallen, clueless, concerned, confused, discomfited, discomforted, discomposed, disconcerted, dismayed, disordered, disorganized, disoriented, disquieted, distracted, distraught, distressed, disturbed, embarrassed, exasperated, fearful, flustered, fluttered, foreboding, fussed, galled, griped, guessing, harassed, hung up, ill at ease, in a fix, in a jumble, in a maze, in a pickle, in a pother, in a pucker, in a scrape, in a stew, in a sweat, in a swivet, in a tizzy, inconvenienced, irked, irritated, jumbled, lost, mazed, miffed, misgiving, mixed-up, mortified, nervous, nettled, off the track, on tenterhooks, out of countenance, overanxious, overapprehensive, peeved, perplexed, perturbed, piqued, plagued, provoked, put to it, put-out, put-upon, puzzled, rattled, resentful, riled, roiled, ruffled, shaken, shook, shuffled, solicitous, sore beset, strained, suspenseful, tense, troubled, turned around, uncomfortable, uneasy, unsettled, upset, vexed, without a clue, worried, zealous