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Meaning of MUMMY

Pronunciation:  'mumee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a body embalmed and dried and wrapped for burial (as in ancient Egypt)
  2. [n]  informal terms for a mother
 Synonyms: ma, mama, mamma, mammy, mater, mom, momma, mommy, mum
 See Also: body, dead body, female parent, mother



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Mum"my\, n.; pl. {Mummies}. [F. momie; cf. Sp. & Pg.
    momia, It. mummia; all fr. Per. m?miy[=a], fr. m?m wax.]
    1. A dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the
       ancient Egyptians; also, a body preserved, by any means,
       in a dry state, from the process of putrefaction. --Bacon.
    2. Dried flesh of a mummy. [Obs.] --Sir. J. Hill.
    3. A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when
       heated; -- formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal
       properties. [Obs.] --Shak. --Sir T. Herbert.
    4. A brown color obtained from bitumen. See {Mummy brown}
    5. (Gardening) A sort of wax used in grafting, etc.
    6. One whose affections and energies are withered.
    {Mummy brown}, a brown color, nearly intermediate in tint
       between burnt umber and raw umber. A pigment of this color
       is prepared from bitumen, etc., obtained from Egyptian
    {Mummy wheat} (Bot.), wheat found in the ancient mummy cases
       of Egypt. No botanist now believes that genuine mummy
       wheat has been made to germinate in modern times.
    {To beat to a mummy}, to beat to a senseless mass; to beat
  2. \Mum"my\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mummied}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To embalm; to mummify.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a mummy in your dream indicates you feeling of being trapped in a situation. You may also feel that you are not being heard.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ashes, biscuit, body, bone, bones, cadaver, carcass, carrion, clay, corpse, corpus delicti, cracker, crowbait, dam, dead body, dead man, dead person, decedent, dry bones, dry up, dust, earth, embalmed corpse, food for worms, foster mother, genetrix, late lamented, ma, mam, mama, mammy, mater, materfamilias, maternal ancestor, matriarch, mom, mommy, mortal remains, mother, mummification, mummify, old lady, organic remains, parchment, relics, reliquiae, remains, shrivel, skeleton, stepmother, stick, stiff, tenement of clay, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved one, the old woman, welter, wilt, wizen