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Meaning of LICK

Pronunciation:  lik

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are licking something means your tendency to be cautious before proceeding on to new situations or adventures. Alternatively, it may also represent satisfaction in some minor matters. Dreaming that you are licked by an animal indicates that you will be called upon for advice.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: addle, amaze, approach, assay, attempt, baffle, bamboozle, bang, bash, bat, bear the palm, beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, beating, belt, best, bid, biff, bite, blow, boggle, bonk, breath, brush, buffalo, cadenza, career, caress, cast, chop, clip, clobber, clout, clump, confound, conk, conquer, contact, crack, cut, cutaneous sense, dash, daze, defeat, destroy, dig, dint, dirty work, do in, donkeywork, down, dress down, drub, drubbing, drudgery, drumming, effort, employment, endeavor, essay, experiment, extempore, fag, fatigue, feel, feeling, fingertip caress, fix, flax, flick, fling, floor, flourish, fuddle, fusillade, gait, gambit, get, give a dressing-down, glance, gleam, go, graze, grind, handiwork, hand-mindedness, handwork, hide, hint, hit, hors de combat, hot lick, hurdle, idea, impromptu, improvisation, industry, interpolation, intimation, jab, keep in suspense, kiss, knock, labor, lambaste, lambency, lap, lap up, larrup, lather, leather, lick of work, light touch, look, manual labor, master, maze, moil, mouth, move, muddle, mystify, nonplus, offer, outclass, outdo, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, overwhelm, pace, paddle, pelt, perplex, plunk, poke, pound, progress, punch, put, puzzle, rap, rat race, rate, riff, rub, ruin, scintilla, scut work, sense of touch, settle, shade, shadow, shellac, shot, sip, skin, skin alive, slam, slavery, slog, slug, slurp, smack, smash, smattering, smear, smell, smother, soak up, sock, soupcon, spadework, spark, sponge up, sprinkling, stab, step, stick, stride, stroke, stroke of work, strong bid, stump, suggestion, sup, surmount, suspicion, swat, sweat, swing, swipe, tactile sense, taction, take the cake, tan, tap, task, taste, tattoo, tentative, tentative poke, thought, thrash, throw, thump, thwack, tincture, tinge, tiresome work, toil, tongue, touch, trace, travail, travel, tread, treadmill, trial, trial and error, trim, triumph, triumph over, trounce, try, undertaking, undo, vamp, wallop, welt, whack, whale, whiff, whip, whisper, whop, win, wipe, work, worst, yerk