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Meaning of HOLLOW

Pronunciation:  'hâlow

Matching Terms:  Hollo, Holloa, hollow out, holloware, hollow-back, hollowed, hollow-eyed, Hollow-hearted, Hollow-horned, Hollowly, hollowness, hollowware

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of something that is hollow, represents the womb and nurturance. It may also symbolize your hidden secrets. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling empty, worthless, or insignificant in your waking life.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absurd, abysm, abyss, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, aperture, apparently sound, arid, armpit, artificial, bare, baritone, barren, basin, bass, blah, bland, blank, bleached, bloodless, boatlike, boat-shaped, booth, bootless, bowl, bowllike, bowl-shaped, box, broaching, casuistic, cave, cave in, cavelike, cavern, cavernous, cavity, cell, cellule, chamber, characterless, chasm, check, clear, clearing, cleft, cold, colorable, colorless, compartment, concave, concaved, concavity, contralto, costly, counterfeit, crack, crater, craterlike, crevasse, crib, crypt, cup, cupped, cup-shaped, cymbiform, cynical, dale, dead, deceitful, deceptive, deep, deep-echoing, deepmouthed, deep-pitched, deep-toned, dell, dent, dented, depressed, depression, depth, devoid, dig out, dig up, dip, disclosure, dish, dished, dishing, dishlike, dishonest, dish-shaped, disingenuous, dismal, draggy, drearisome, dreary, dredge, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, effete, elephantine, empty, empty-headed, empty-minded, empty-pated, empty-skulled, enclosed space, etiolated, excavate, excavation, fade, fallacious, false, famished, fatuitous, fatuous, featureless, feigned, fenestra, fistula, flat, fold, follicle, fontanel, foramen, fraudulent, fruitless, funnel chest, funnel-breasted, funnel-chested, funnel-shaped, furrow, futile, gap, gape, gat, glen, gouge, grave, gulf, heavy, hiatus, ho-hum, hold, hole, hollow out, hollow shell, hollowed, hungry, hypocritical, idle, illusive, impression, inane, incurve, incurved, incurving, incurvous, indentation, indented, ineffective, inexcitable, infundibular, infundibuliform, inlet, insincere, insipid, interval, jejune, jesuitic, lacuna, laying open, leaden, leak, lifeless, low, low-pitched, low-spirited, manger, mealymouthed, meaningless, mendacious, muffled, navicular, naviform, null, null and void, opening, opening up, orifice, otiose, outlet, overrefined, oversubtle, pale, pallid, passageway, pedestrian, pew, philosophistic, pit, plausible, plodding, pocket, pointless, poky, ponderous, pore, profitless, punch bowl, rattlebrained, rattleheaded, ravenous, retire, retiring, retreat, retreating, reverberant, sag, saucer-shaped, scaphoid, scatterbrained, scoop, scyphate, senseless, sepulchral, shaft, sham, shell, sink, sinkage, sinkhole, sinus, slot, slow, socket, solemn, sophistic, sophistical, space, specious, spiritless, split, spoonlike, spurious, stall, starved, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stoma, stuffy, sunk, sunken, superficial, tasteless, tedious, throwing open, toneless, tongue in cheek, trough, unavailing, uncandid, uncorking, unfilled, unfrank, unlively, unprofitable, unrelieved, unserious, unstopping, vacant, vacuity, vacuous, vain, valley, valueless, vapid, vault, void, vug, well, white, with nothing inside, without content, wooden, worthless, yawn, yawning abyss