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Meaning of CAVERNOUS

Pronunciation:  'kavurnus

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  (physiology) filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood; "erectile tissue"; "the penis is an erectile organ"
  2. [adj]  being or suggesting a cavern; "vast cavernous chambers hollowed out of limestone"
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 Synonyms: erectile, expansive, hollow



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cav"ern*ous\, a. [L. cavernosus: cf. F. caverneux.]
1. Full of caverns; resembling a cavern or large cavity;
2. Filled with small cavities or cells.
3. Having a sound caused by a cavity.
{Cavernous body}, a body of erectile tissue with large
   interspaces which may be distended with blood, as in the
   penis or clitoris.
{Cavernous respiration}, a peculiar respiratory sound andible
   on auscultation, when the bronchial tubes communicate with
   morbid cavities in the lungs.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abysmal, abyssal, boatlike, boat-shaped, bottomless, bowllike, bowl-shaped, cavelike, commodious, concave, concaved, craterlike, cupped, cup-shaped, cymbiform, deep as hell, dished, dishing, dishlike, dish-shaped, fathomless, funnel-breasted, funnel-chested, funnel-shaped, gaping, hollow, hollowed, incurved, incurving, incurvous, infundibular, infundibuliform, navicular, naviform, plumbless, plunging, retiring, retreating, reverberant, saucer-shaped, scaphoid, scyphate, sepulchral, soundless, spoonlike, sunk, sunken, unfathomable, unfathomed, unsounded, vast, without bottom, yawning