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Meaning of GUTS

Pronunciation:  guts

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  (informal) fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
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 Synonyms: backbone, grit, gumption, moxie, sand
 See Also: fortitude



Products Dictionary

In GUTS!, the authors present profiles on 25 intrepid business leaders, all chief executives of extraordinarily successful companies. These unconventional leaders share their secrets for success using real-life examples that demonstrate their passion for business, and their innovativeness. The end of each chapter contains a synopsis of highlights for easy reference.

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Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing guts in your dream, represents fortitude, strength, and stamina. Consider the common phrase "you have a lot of guts"
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abdomen, anus, appendix, backbone, being, bite, bitingness, blind gut, bones, bosom, bottom, bowels, brain, breast, briskness, cecum, census, chutzpah, colon, composition, constituents, content, contents, courage, cuttingness, decisiveness, divisions, drive, duodenum, effectiveness, elements, endocardium, endurance, energy, entrails, esprit, force, forcefulness, foregut, fortitude, gameness, giblets, ginger, gizzard, grit, gutsiness, guttiness, hardiness, heart, heart of hearts, heart of oak, heartiness, heartstrings, hindgut, hotness, impressiveness, incisiveness, index, ingredients, inmost heart, inmost soul, innards, inner mechanism, innermost being, insides, internals, intestinal fortitude, intestine, inventory, inwards, items, jejunum, kick, kidney, kishkes, large intestine, list, liveliness, liver, liver and lights, lung, lustihood, lustiness, mettle, mettlesomeness, midgut, might, mightiness, mordancy, moxie, nerve, nervosity, nervousness, nip, nippiness, obstinacy, part, parts, pepperiness, perineum, pith, pluck, pluckiness, poignancy, potency, power, powerfulness, pump, punch, pylorus, raciness, rectum, relish, robustness, ruggedness, secret places, sinew, sinewiness, small intestine, snap, snappiness, soul, spice, spiciness, spirit, spleen, spunk, spunkiness, stalwartness, stamina, staying power, sticking power, stomach, stout heart, stoutness, strength, strength of will, strong language, sturdiness, tang, tanginess, ticker, toughness, trenchancy, tripes, true grit, vermiform appendix, vigor, vigorousness, viscera, vitality, vitals, whole, works, zest, zestfulness, zip