GRADE: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | greyd
| Related Terms: | | acclivity, adjust, align, alphabetize, amount, analyze, arrange, array, ascend, ascent, assort, bank, bevel, bezel, blood, bolt, bracket, branch, break down, bulk, caliber, calibrate, calibrated, cant, careen, caste, catalog, categorize, category, chute, clan, class, classify, climb, codify, collate, compass, condition, cool off, correct, cut, cut it, dab, decline, declivity, decrease, degree, deploy, descend, descent, differentiate, digest, dip, dispose, divide, division, downgrade, drag, dress, drop, dub, easy slope, echelon, enlarge, equalize, estate, evaluate, even, extent, fall, fall away, fall off, fell, file, flatten, fleam, flush, form, gauge, gentle slope, glacis, go downhill, go uphill, gradate, gradation, gradational, gradient, gradual, graduate, graduated, grease, group, grouping, hack it, hanging gardens, harmonize, harrow, head, heading, height, helicline, hierarchic, hierarchize, hill, hillside, inclination, incline, inclined plane, increase, index, interval, keel, kin, label, launching ramp, lay, lay down, lay flat, lay level, lay low, lay out, league, lean, leaning, leap, level, line up, list, lubricate, make it, make the grade, mark, marshal, match, measure, measure up, methodize, mow, normalize, notch, nuance, oil, order, organize, pacify, pas, pass, peg, period, pigeonhole, pitch, place, plane, planish, plaster, plateau, point, position, predicament, progressive, proportion, qualify, quiet, race, rake, ramp, range, rank, rase, rate, rating, ratio, raze, reach, regular, regularize, regulate, remove, retreat, riddle, rise, roll, roll flat, round, routinize, rubric, rung, scalar, scale, scarp, scope, score, screen, section, separate, sept, set, set up, shade, shade off, shadow, shave, shelve, shelving beach, side, sidle, sieve, sift, situation, size, slant, slope, smooth, smooth down, smooth out, smoothen, sort, sort out, space, stage, stair, standard, standardize, standing, state, station, status, steamroll, steamroller, steep slope, step, stiff climb, stint, strain, stratum, structure, subdivide, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, subordinate, succeed, swag, sway, systematize, tabulate, talus, tier, tilt, tip, title, track, tranquilize, tread, type, upgrade, uprise, year |