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Pronunciation:  `disu'bilitee

Matching Terms:  disability benefit, disability check, disability insurance, disability of walking, disability payment

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you have a disability indicates that you are experiencing a lowered self-esteem. You have lost your power or direction in life. Perhaps you are not utilizing your full potential and skills. Consider the symbolism of the part of your body that is disabled.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abnormality, acute disease, affection, affliction, ailment, allergic disease, allergy, atrophy, bacterial disease, birth defect, blight, cardiovascular disease, chronic disease, circulatory disease, complaint, complication, condition, congenital defect, defect, deficiency disease, deformity, degenerative disease, detriment, disablement, disadvantage, disease, disorder, disqualification, distemper, drawback, endemic, endemic disease, endocrine disease, epidemic disease, functional disease, fungus disease, gastrointestinal disease, genetic disease, handicap, helplessness, hereditary disease, iatrogenic disease, illness, imbecility, impairment, impotence, inability, inadequacy, incapability, incapacitation, incapacity, incompetence, incompetency, indisposition, inefficiency, ineptitude, infancy, infectious disease, inferiority, infirmity, insufficiency, legal incapacity, malady, malaise, minority, morbidity, morbus, muscular disease, neurological disease, nutritional disease, occupational disease, organic disease, pandemic disease, pathological condition, pathology, plant disease, powerlessness, protozoan disease, psychosomatic disease, respiratory disease, rockiness, secondary disease, seediness, sickishness, sickness, signs, symptomatology, symptomology, symptoms, syndrome, the pip, unfitness, urogenital disease, virus disease, wardship, wasting disease, worm disease