Meaning of CULTIVATE
Pronunciation: | | 'kultu`veyt
Matching Terms: | | cultivatable, cultivated, cultivated cabbage, cultivated carrot, cultivated celery, cultivated crab apple, cultivated land, cultivated parsnip, cultivated plant, cultivated rice, cultivated strawberry, cultivation, cultivator
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are cultivating indicates that you need to clear your mind of negative thoughts. Keeping an open mind will further allow you to grow as a person. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | advance, ameliorate, apprentice, approach, backset, beautify, better, break, break in, break the ice, breed, bring up, brown-nose, butter up, care for, carve, cherish, chisel, coddle, condition, convert, cosset, court, courteous, cradle, crop, cultivated, culture, cultured, cut, delve, develop, dig, discipline, distingue, dress, drill, dry-nurse, educate, elaborate, embellish, encourage, evolve, excite, exercise, extract, fallow, farm, feed, fertilize, fetch up, finish, fit, fondle, force, form, foster, further, groom, grow, harrow, harvest, hoe, housebreak, house-train, improve, instruct, labor, lavish care on, lick into shape, list, machine, make advances, make sensitive, make up to, manage, mature, mill, mine, mother, mulch, nourish, nurse, nurture, pamper, pay addresses to, pay court to, perfect, play up to, plow, polish, polished, polite, practice, prepare, process, produce, promote, propagate, prune, pump, put in tune, put to school, quicken, raise, rake, ready, rear, refine, refined, rehearse, ripen, run after, season, send to school, sensibilize, sensitize, sharpen, shine up to, smelt, spade, spoon-feed, stimulate, stir, suck up to, suckle, sustain, take in hand, teach, tend, thin, thin out, till, till the soil, train, urbane, weed, weed out, well-bred, wet-nurse, whet, woo, work, work on |