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Meaning of CONDUCTOR

Pronunciation:  kun'duktur

Matching Terms:  Conductory

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing or dreaming that you are a conductor, represents your abilities to lead and direct yourself toward higher awareness.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: administrator, agent, baggage man, bakehead, band leader, band major, bandmaster, bell cow, bell mare, bellwether, bodyguard, born leader, brakeman, brakie, butcher, cavalier, chaperon, charismatic leader, choirmaster, choragus, companion, conductance, conduction, conductivity, convoy, coryphaeus, deputy, dielectric, directeur, director, dispatcher, driver, drum major, duce, duenna, electric conduction, engineer, escort, esquire, fellow traveler, file leader, fireman, footplate man, forerunner, fugleman, functionary, gas conduction, governor, guard, handler, impresario, inspired leader, insulator, intendant, ionic conduction, Kapellmeister, leader, leader of men, lineman, liquid conduction, Mahdi, manager, manipulator, messiah, metallic conduction, mho, nonconductor, operant, operative, operator, orchestra leader, pacemaker, pacesetter, photoconduction, pilot, porter, precentor, producer, railroad man, railroader, rector, redcap, responsible person, ringleader, runner, safe-conduct, semiconductor, shepherd, smoke agent, squire, standard-bearer, stationmaster, steersman, stoker, supercargo, superconductivity, superconductor, swain, switchman, symphonic conductor, torchbearer, trainboy, trainman, trainmaster, usher, yardman, yardmaster