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Meaning of COAL

Pronunciation:  kowl

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a coal in your dream, represents wealth and prosperity. It also points to your unused potential. Alternatively, it may indicate that you have been misbehaving and have caught.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alcohol, anthracite, ash, ashes, benzine, blaze, blister, brand, briquette, brown coal, bunker, burn, burn in, burn off, burnable, burning ember, butane, calx, carbon, cast, cater, cauterize, char, charcoal, cinder, clinker, coke, combustible, coom, crack, crow, cupel, detonate, dope, dross, ebon, ebony, ember, ethane, ethanol, explode, feed, fill up, fireball, firebrand, firing, flame, flammable, flammable material, forage, found, fuel, fuel additive, fuel dope, fuel up, fulminate, fume, gas, gas carbon, gas up, gasoline, heptane, hexane, inflammable, inflammable material, ink, isooctane, jet, jet fuel, kerosene, lava, lignite, live coal, methane, methanol, natural gas, night, octane, oil, oxidate, oxidize, paraffin, parch, peat, pentane, pitch, propane, propellant, provender, provision, purvey, pyrolyze, raven, reek, refuel, rocket fuel, scorch, scoria, sea coal, sear, sell, singe, slag, sloe, smoke, smudge, smut, solder, soot, stoke, sullage, swinge, tar, top off, torrefy, turf, vesicate, victual, vulcanize, weld