Meaning of CLUB
Pronunciation: | | klub
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a club in your dream means feelings of aggression or submission depending if the club is used by or against you. It is also symbolic of virility and combativeness. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | affiliate, agate, alliance, ally, amphitheater, arena theater, associate, association, auditorium, ball, band together, baseball bat, baste, bastinado, bat, baths, baton, battering ram, battledore, bauble, be in cahoots, beat, belabor, belt, billy, billy club, birch, blackjack, blocks, bludgeon, brotherhood, buffet, bunch, bunch up, cabal, cabaret, cane, casino, cement a union, centralize, checkerboard, chessboard, circle theater, club together, clubhouse, cockhorse, combine, come together, company, concert hall, confederate, confraternity, confrerie, consociate, consortium, conspire, cooperate, cosh, country club, couple, cowhide, cricket bat, cudgel, cue, cut, doll, doll carriage, drub, Elizabethan theater, federalize, federate, federation, fellowship, ferule, flagellate, flail, flog, fraternal order, fraternity, fustigate, gambling house, gang, gang up, gathering place, gewgaw, gimcrack, give a whipping, give the stick, Globe Theatre, go in partners, go in partnership, golf club, Greek theater, guild, hall, hangout, haunt, health resort, hobbyhorse, hook up with, horsewhip, house, jack-in-the-box, jacks, jackstones, jackstraws, join forces, join fortunes with, join together, join up with, join with, kickshaw, knickknack, knobkerrie, knout, lace, lambaste, lash, lay on, league, life preserver, little theater, lodge, mace, marble, marionette, marry, meeting place, mig, morning star, music hall, night spot, nightclub, nightstick, opera, opera house, order, organization, organize, outdoor theater, paddle, pair, pair off, pandybat, paper doll, partner, pick-up sticks, pinwheel, pistol-whip, playhouse, plaything, pommel, pummel, puppet, purlieu, quarterstaff, racket, rag doll, rallying point, ram, rattan, rawhide, resort, rocking horse, rod, ruler, sandbag, scourge, secret society, shillelagh, showboat, sisterhood, smite, society, sodality, sorority, spa, spank, spontoon, sport, springs, staff, stamping ground, stand together, stand up with, stave, steelie, stick, strap, stripe, swinge, switch, taw, team up, team up with, team with, teetotum, theater, theater-in-the-round, theatron, thrash, throw in with, thump, tie in with, tie up with, top, toy, toy soldier, trinket, trounce, truncheon, union, unionize, unite with, wallop, war club, watering place, wed, whale, whim-wham, whip, whop |