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Meaning of BOUNDARY

Pronunciation:  'bawnduree

Matching Terms:  boundary condition, boundary layer, boundary line, boundary scan, boundary value analysis

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of a boundary indicates that something is restricting your growth and hindering your goals. You are being limited.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ankle, articulation, balustrade, barrier, bisector, bitter end, border line, bordering, borderline, borders, bottom dollar, bound, boundary condition, boundary line, bounding, bounds, bourn, break boundary, breakoff point, butt, butt end, caesura, caudal, ceiling, cervix, circumscription, clinch, closure, coastal, colon, comma, compass, conclusive, confine, confinement, confines, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, continence, coupling, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, definitive, delimitation, determinant, determinative, determining, diameter, discipline, divider, division line, dovetail, elbow, embrace, end, endmost, equator, eventual, extreme, extremity, fag end, farthest, farthest bound, fence, final, finish, floor, fringing, frontier, frontiers, gliding joint, halfway mark, hedge, high-water mark, hinge, hinged joint, hip, interface, join, joining, joint, jumping-off place, juncture, knee, knuckle, last, limbic, limen, liminal, limit, limitation, limiting, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, link, littoral, lower limit, low-water mark, march, marginal, mark, mete, miter, moderation, mortise, neck, nib, partition, pause, perimeter, period, pivot, pivot joint, point, polar, pole, precincts, prescription, proscription, purlieus, qualification, rabbet, rail, railing, restrain, restriction, rimming, scarf, seam, semicolon, shoulder, skirting, start, starting line, starting point, stitch, stone wall, stop, stub, stump, suture, symphysis, tag, tag end, tail, tail end, target date, term, terminal, terminal date, terminating, terminative, terminus, threshold, Thule, tie rod, time allotment, tip, toggle, toggle joint, Ultima Thule, ultimate, union, upper limit, wall, weld, wrist