Meaning of FARTHEST
Pronunciation: | | 'fârdhist
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [adv] to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest' is used more often than `furthest' in this physical sense); "see who could jump the farthest"; "chose the farthest seat from the door"; "he swam the furthest"
- [adv] to the greatest degree or extent or most advanced stage (`furthest' is used more often than `farthest' in this abstract sense); "went the furthest of all the children in her education"; "furthest removed from reality"; "she goes farthest in helping us"
- [adj] (comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time or order; "had traveled to the farthest frontier"; "don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree"; "explored the furthest reaches of space"; "the utmost tip of the peninsula"
- [adj] most distant or remote; "man's farthest goal"
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | far, farthermost, furthermost, furthest, furthest, ultimate, utmost, uttermost |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Far"thest\ (f[aum]r"[th][e^]st), a. Superl. of {far}.
[See {Farther} and cf. {Furthest}]
Most distant or remote; as, the farthest degree. See
\Far"thest\ adv.
At or to the greatest distance. See {Furthest}.
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | boundary, caudal, conclusive, definitive, determinative, endmost, eventual, extreme, farthermost, farthest off, final, furthermost, furthest, last, limiting, most distant, outermost, outmost, polar, remotest, tail, terminal, terminating, terminative, ultimate, utmost, uttermost |