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Meaning of STRIKER

Pronunciation:  'strIkur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the part of a mechanical device that strikes something
  2. [n]  someone who hits; "a hard hitter"; "a fine striker of the ball"; "blacksmiths are good hitters"
  3. [n]  an employee on strike against an employer
  4. [n]  someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating
  5. [n]  (soccer) a forward on a soccer team
 Synonyms: hitter
 See Also: athlete, bluejacket, clapper, cock, firing pin, hammer, head, jock, mechanical device, mover, navy man, nonworker, sailor, sailor boy, slapper, spanker, tongue, walloper



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Strik"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, strikes; specifically, a
   blacksmith's helper who wields the sledge.
2. A harpoon; also, a harpooner.
         Wherever we come to an anchor, we always send out
         our strikers, and put out hooks and lines overboard,
         to try fish.                          --Dampier.
3. A wencher; a lewd man. [Obs.] --Massinger.
4. A workman who is on a strike.
5. A blackmailer in politics; also, one whose political
   influence can be bought. [Political Cant]