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Meaning of SANTIAGO

Pronunciation:  sân'tyâgo

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the United States fleet bottled up the Spanish ships in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba and destroyed them when they tried to escape
  2. [n]  the capital and largest city of Chile; located in central Chile; one of the largest cities in South America
  3. [n]  port city in southeastern Chile; industrial center
  4. [n]  city in the northern Dominican Republic
 Synonyms: capital of Chile, Gran Santiago, Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Santiago de los Caballeros
 See Also: Chile, city, Cuba, Cuba, Dominican Republic, metropolis, national capital, naval battle, port, Republic of Chile, Republic of Cuba, Spanish War, Spanish-American War, urban center



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Bandit, murderer, known to all, seen by none--has he killed 1,000 men? Has he saved a dozen worlds ? His legend is as large as the Rim itself. Santiago is a first class space opera .-- Fantasy Review .

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