Meaning of PROTEID
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
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\Pro"te*id\, n.
{Defensive proteid} (Physiol. Chem.), one of a class of
proteid substances, present in some animal tissues and
fluids, that make the body immune to certain infectious
diseases by destroying or rendering inactive the toxic
products of bacterial growth.
\Pro"te*id\, n. [Gr. prw^tos first.] (Physiol. Chem.)
One of a class of amorphous nitrogenous principles,
containing, as a rule, a small amount of sulphur; an
albuminoid, as blood fibrin, casein of milk, etc. Proteids
are present in nearly all animal fluids and make up the
greater part of animal tissues and organs. They are also
important constituents of vegetable tissues. See 2d Note
under {Food}. -- {Pro"te*id}, a.
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