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Meaning of OUTFIELD

Pronunciation:  'awtfeeld

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases
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 Antonyms: baseball diamond, infield
 See Also: ball field, center, centerfield, diamond, left, leftfield, parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, right, rightfield, tract



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Out"field`\, n.
1. Arable land which has been or is being exhausted. See
   {Infield}, 1. [Scot.]
2. A field beyond, or separated from, the inclosed land about
   the homestead; an uninclosed or unexplored tract. Also
   used figuratively.
         The great outfield of thought or fact. --Trench.
3. (Baseball) The part of the field beyond the diamond, or
   infield. It is occupied by the fielders.
4. (Cricket) The part of the field farthest from the batsman.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amateur athlete, archer, archery ground, athlete, athletic field, badminton court, ballplayer, baseball field, baseballer, baseman, basketball court, batter, battery, billiard parlor, blocking back, bowling alley, bowling green, bowman, catcher, center, coach, competitor, course, court, cricket ground, cricketer, croquet ground, croquet lawn, defensive lineman, diamond, end, fairway, field, football field, footballer, games-player, gamester, glaciarium, golf course, golf links, gridiron, guard, gym, gymnasium, ice rink, infield, infielder, jock, jumper, lineman, links, offensive lineman, outfielder, oval, player, playground, playing field, playroom, polo ground, poloist, pool hall, poolroom, professional athlete, pugilist, putting green, quarterback, racecourse, racer, racket court, rink, skater, skating rink, soccer field, sport, sportsman, squash court, stretch, tackle, tailback, tennis court, toxophilite, track, turf, wingback, wrestler