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Meaning of GLEDE

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Glede\ (gl[=e]d), n. [AS. glida, akin to Icel. gle[eth]a,
    Sw. glada. Cf. {Glide}, v. i.] (Zo["o]l.)
    The common European kite ({Milvus ictinus}). This name is
    also sometimes applied to the buzzard. [Written also {glead},
    {gled}, {gleed}, {glade}, and {glide}.]
  2. \Glede\, n. [See {Gleed}.]
    A live coal. [Archaic]
          The cruel ire, red as any glede.         --Chaucer.
Easton Bible Dictionary

an Old English name for the common kite, mentioned only in Deut. 14:13 (Heb. ra'ah), the Milvus ater or black kite. The Hebrew word does not occur in the parallel passage in Leviticus (11:14, da'ah, rendered "vulture;" in R.V., "kite"). It was an unclean bird. The Hebrew name is from a root meaning "to see," "to look," thus designating a bird with a keen sight. The bird intended is probably the buzzard, of which there are three species found in Palestine. (See VULTURE.)