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Meaning of ENLARGED

Pronunciation:  enl'ârjd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  expanded in scope; "the enlarged authority of the committee"
  2. [adj]  (of an organ or body part) excessively enlarged as a result of increased size in the constituent cells; "hypertrophied myocardial fibers"
  3. [adj]  enlarged to an abnormal degree; "thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes"
  4. [adj]  larger than normal; "enlarged joints"
  5. [adj]  as of a photograph; made larger; "the enlarged photograph revealed many details"
 Synonyms: big, blown-up, exaggerated, expanded, hypertrophied, increased, large, magnified, unhealthy
 Antonyms: atrophied, diminished, wasted



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\En*larged"\, a.
Made large or larger; extended; swollen. -- {En*lar"ged*ly},
adv. -- {En*lar"ged*ness}, n.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accelerated, aggrandized, aggravated, ampliate, amplified, annoyed, augmented, beefed-up, bloated, boosted, broadened, built-up, crescendoed, deepened, deliberately provoked, elevated, embittered, enhanced, exacerbated, exasperated, expanded, extended, heated up, heightened, hiked, hotted up, increased, inflated, intensified, irritated, jazzed up, magnified, multiplied, proliferated, provoked, raised, reinforced, soured, spread, stiffened, strengthened, swollen, tightened, upped, widened, worse, worsened