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Meaning of DROWSE

Pronunciation:  drawz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a light fitful sleep
  2. [v]  sleep lightly or for a short period of time
  3. [v]  be on the verge of sleeping
 Synonyms: doze, doze, snooze
 See Also: catch a wink, catnap, dope off, doze off, drift off, drop off, drowse off, fall asleep, flake out, nap, nod, nod off, repose, rest, sleeping



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Drowse\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Drowsed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Drowsing}.] [AS. dr?sian, dr?san, to sink, become slow or
    inactive; cf. OD. droosen to be sleepy, fall asleep, LG.
    dr?sen, druusken, to slumber, fall down with a noise; prob,
    akin to AS. dre['o]san to fall. See {Dreary}.]
    To sleep imperfectly or unsoundly; to slumber; to be heavy
    with sleepiness; to doze. ``He drowsed upon his couch.''
          In the pool drowsed the cattle up to their knees.
  2. \Drowse\, v. t.
    To make heavy with sleepiness or imperfect sleep; to make
    dull or stupid. --Milton.
  3. \Drowse\, n.
    A slight or imperfect sleep; a doze.
          But smiled on in a drowse of ecstasy.    --Mrs.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: beauty sleep, beddy-bye, bedtime, blanket drill, bye-bye, dorm, doze, dreamland, fitful sleep, hibernation, land of Nod, light sleep, nap, oversleep, repose, saw logs, saw wood, shut-eye, silken repose, sleep, sleep soundly, sleepland, sleepwalking, slumber, slumberland, snoozle, snore, somnambulism, somniloquy, somnus, take a nap, unconsciousness, winter sleep