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Meaning of DENIGRATE

Pronunciation:  'denu`greyt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"
  2. [v]  belittle; "Don't belittle his influence"
 Synonyms: asperse, belittle, besmirch, calumniate, defame, derogate, minimize, slander, smear, smirch, sully
 See Also: accuse, assassinate, badmouth, charge, disparage, drag through the mud, libel, malign, pick at, talk down, traduce



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Den"i*grate\, v. t. [L. denigrare; de- + nigrare to
blacken, niger black.]
1. To blacken thoroughly; to make very black. --Boyle.
2. Fig.: To blacken or sully; to defame. [R.]
         To denigrate the memory of Voltaire.  --Morley.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: asperse, bedarken, besmirch, bespatter, black, blacken, blackwash, blot, blotch, call names, calumniate, charcoal, cork, darken, defame, defile, deprecate, depreciate, despise, dinge, discommend, disdain, disparage, dispraise, disvalue, ebonize, engage in personalities, heap dirt upon, hold in contempt, ink, libel, melanize, muckrake, murk, nigrify, oversmoke, put down, revile, ridicule, scandalize, shade, shadow, slander, smear, smirch, smoke, smudge, smut, smutch, soil, soot, stigmatize, sully, tarnish, tear down, throw mud at, traduce, vilify