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Pronunciation:  kun'teynmunt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of containing (especially the restraint of a hostile country or a hostile military force); "the army was charged with the containment of the rebel forces"
  2. [n]  (physics) a system designed to prevent the accidental release of radioactive material from a reactor
  3. [n]  a policy of checking the expansion of a hostile power or ideology by creating strategic alliances; "containment of Communist expansion was a central principle of United States' foreign policy from 1947 to the 1975"
 See Also: policy, restraint, system



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Con*tain"ment\, n.
That which is contained; the extent; the substance. [Obs.]
      The containment of a rich man's estate.  --Fuller.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appeasement, balance of power, brinkmanship, cincture, circling, circumambience, circumambiency, circumcincture, circumflexion, circumjacence, circumposition, coexistence, colonialism, compromise, detente, deterrence, diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatics, dollar diplomacy, dollar imperialism, Eisenhower Doctrine, embracement, encincture, encirclement, enclosure, encompassment, enfoldment, envelopment, environment, expansionism, foreign affairs, foreign policy, girding, girdling, good-neighbor policy, imperialism, inclusion, internationalism, involvement, isolationism, manifest destiny, militarism, Monroe Doctrine, nationalism, neocolonialism, neutralism, Nixon Doctrine, nonresistance, open door, open-door policy, peace offensive, peaceful coexistence, preparedness, shirt-sleeve diplomacy, shuttle diplomacy, spheres of influence, surrounding, the big stick, tough policy, Truman Doctrine, world politics